english  translation of “the vibe”


we’ve evolved our understanding such that

we as “black” individuals

no longer fly that flag

our new flag is that of origination

        we are the original people                       “

there is no whiteness in original philosophy

(blackness) as a consequence

is equally as non-existent 

we are “original” people

call me original                        “

[ eye do not respond 2

          any other identifier  ]

white man .

engagewiththe approximate approximation of


POWER is the ability 2 act.

how many times

hav yu wowd yur mastermind…?

i can delineate 

iswas the first human thought..  “


the most yu wish 4

will b the least yu get

when yu lose

yu do not lose the lesson

banks are batteries

its nott the girl who takes all her clothes off

and stands before me naked     who is a freak

or even the 1 for me…

it’s the girll who knows what 2 wear    &when. “

can 2 opposing things b true?

        both equally as beautiful ..

it gives yu every reason 2 believe

the pause is intentional                  “

when everything is the opposite of itself

           it is an instant in the future            “

im  naturally

my own antagonist….   “

so win


when something is created

nothing is destroyed          «

« how can yu say yu want peace

                      & then do war ?   «


a tetrahedron

starts a cube »


actn stupid

cuz i kno she smart ;)$$ «


a cube is

three / four triangles who choose 2 tetrahedron

choosing 2 send their infinity back and forth

2 another tetrahedron

the diagonal of each side of the cube

 being their infinity.                                      «

2 what extent does a tetrahedron

                                create a cube?

«  a cube may b

8 tetrahedrons  «





when                     ?



certain                 ?             «


arent we paying taxes

4 government assistance? «

the 2 components or compositions of a space

the subject       and      the field

the field acts upon the subject

the subject is stuck in the field    


                       he’s tired

she’s waking him up   «

0 is one unit away from infinity “

even if its not correct

think about how correct    it is   “

“       my   hell

is yur heaven

don’t try me..  “

yu instantly forget it

  because yu ingrain it

why do yu teach the subject

by the man who discovered it?

shouldn’t yu just teach the subject?

the man who runs far away from his demons

and the man who barrels forth thru them

have the same amount of strength

one is in constant   comfortable   fear

one is in constant     painful          triumph

it wiggles my brain juices

yu kno its significant

if tu look from all angles

n say      wow                “

the dominant genes are the ones

               who play the better song ..

but parts of the recessive

are very necessary 4 the symphony..  “

its crazy when yu realise

a lot of our personal world is a buncha repeats “

is it how we meld

or how we diffract?  “

are your shoulders

               that ugly?

why does my brain do that?

go in and out of important consciousness

    can I not possibly observe it all at 1ce ?  “

1                       [ 1 real permutation in 1D]

                   1 component


                   each component is a 0D space

                   or a point


1 2



2 1                    [ 2 real permutations in 2D]


2 components

1  possible vector per component

                  each component is a 1D space


1 -> 2     any function    from x axis     to y axis

2 -> 1     any function    from y axis     to x axis


1 2 3

(pulld left)


2 3 1

3 1 2


(pulld right)






3 2 1



2 1 3

1 3 2








(switch 2)

(123) -> (213)

(123) -> (132)

(123) -> (321)

(switch 2 backwurdzz)

(321) -> (231)

(321) -> (312)

(321) -> (123)


            [6 real permutations in 3D]

3 components

2 possible vectors per component

                 each component is a 2D space

1->2  any function from   x axis    to y axis

1->3  any function from   x axis    to z axis

2->1  any function from   y axis   to x axis

2->3  any function from   y axis   to z axis

3->2  any function from   z axis   to y axis

3->1  any function from    z axis   to x axis


[ 1 2 3 4 ]

            ( oh boy..)

(pulld L)


2 3 4 1

3 4 1 2

4 1 2 3


(pulld R)







[4 3 2 1]

(pulld L)


3 2 1 4

2 1 4 3

1 4 3 2


(pulld R)






(switch 2)

(1234) -> 2 1 3 4

(1234) -> 1 2 4 3

(1234) -> 1 3 2 4

(switch 2 backwurdzz)

(4321) -> 3 4 2 1

(4321) -> 4 3 1 2

(4321) -> 4 2 3 1



1 3 4 2


4 2 1 3









2 4 3 1


3 1 2 4









3 2 4 1

2 4 1 3

4 1 3 2













R (reverseL)







R (reverseL)



2 3 1 4

3 1 4 2

1 4 2 3







       [ 24 real permutations in dimension 4 ]

4 components

6 possible vectors per component

       each component is a 3D space

time is an example of a gradient

scale is another gradient

a function is another gradient

movement is a gradient

displacement is a gradient

a gradient is a variable

continuity of existences

                    within a field

a dimension is a field

a point is a subject

a presence creates a space

a subsequent presence exploits

wind harmonies

within proportional tubes

if yu could’ve thought of it

                       why didnt yu?

sky cities

helium arcologies ?


the scariest part

is when yu find out

          yure the villain… «

life is fleeting

so use it         while it’s there


-1 0 and 1

0 1 and 2

1 2 and 3

2 3 and 4

3 4 and 5

4 5 and 6

are within one progression point

                            from each other

-1 1 and 3

1 3 and 5  

2 4 and 6

are within 2 progression points

                         from each other     «

it took half[1/2, 0.5]   the time

                  2 get 2 [ 6]     ( going by 2s)


life goes from not known shit

                            2 known 2 much   «

evolution is goin back 2 not known shit «


its my own work

that i can’t understand anymore  «

                             what an adventure ;)  «

side3 is the forwards

side4 may be the reverse

wealth is in accordance with

               how much is at stake…

when yu send two waves at each other

and they’re opposites

          they become the same as no wave at all “

they talk bout this nigga

like he wasnt   JUST   the president….

left and right is  “+”   &   “-“

4D can b a polar dimension

within a linear dimension

must the war machine

keep turning more lives into profit?

yur mind

is a human virtual machine

whats real??

is it real because there’s evidence??

then where does

the shit without evidence go????             “

the US sells bombs

and uses that sale to collect interest

the bombs is the debt

the US is the nazis

96 felonies

and a nigga can still run 4 presidential

but let a man get 1 felony

he cant vote.

perpendicular is half-hemi-circular

what are lines who may never meet


tangent at opposite points of a circle

what are lines that meet perfectly


tangent at quarter sides of a circle

opposite points on a circle

are infinitely far away from each other

the points a half of the way between them

                                          is what’s most real

a world built by great men

run by

to contain       lay men

we all stuck in the same traffic boss

just keep on            until we released

the perpendicular point of view of the 3Drealm

the 4Ds

yu either intersect or yu dont

yur either

 perpendicular -ish

or parallel -ish

1 is the inception number

1 is the limit

everything else scales proportionally

how much of it is real?

how dense is it’s realness?

fourth dimensional objects

 have their forms within their forms

surrounded by the dissonance

there are spaces of resonance

                           due to creation.

fully condensed space

                  is triangular

3D squeezed into 2D

colour is an experience

sound is an experience

experience is a feeling

so palpable                   yu can tastesmell it “

the ice caps bro

dey floodin manhattan “

we cantmakethem feel bad

so we gotta use words

 that make them feel good    “

human nature

is picking left..


            yu know right      “

the dormers in the superstructure.

a square is the nature of 4 angles

2 parallel

2 perpendicular

a triangle is the nature of 3 angles

0 parallel

2 perpendicular

parallel is the nature of 2 angles  

2 parallel

1 perpendicular

perpendicular is the nature of 1 angle                            

0 parallel

2 perpendicular

all  with lines tangent 2 a circle        “

yu only gain perspective

from something that’s constant

compared to something perpendicular-ish “

it truly isnt about being a “nice guy”

it’s fundamentally about being a  “great man”

“ the pen-goings    the penguins..”

evrybody palms is white…

gotta hav

an internal reference frame.

                                             4 da AI

the question really becomes

           what is perpendicular?

all yur insecurities

turnnem int2                                “

[federally backd]      securities

magnet theatre


         where the fuck are we?     “

3 is the number of curvature

2 is the number of direction

1 is the number of existence

0 is the value of non-existence

“perpendicular is the inverse reciprocal

                                              of the tangent

                                                   at that point “

yu can choose the beacons of significance

                                                            in yur life

divine lighthouses of salvation

god will present these sigils

as yur blessings      

          wash in

                with the tidal forces of heaven     “

the devil is in the details

but the details aren’t devilish

scrutiny is not the devil

                  desolation is            “

“ we are a giant BALL OF LIFE

 of course we have a collective consciousness  “

right is certainty

left is uncertainty

we have such an over-abundance

and yet

       we keep the houses from the homeless

       we keep the education from the uneducated

       we keep the food from the hungry

        we keep the excess from those who lack

the 4 diagonals of the inside of a cube

create its 4th dimension of scale

yu can construct any scale cube

                              from these lines         “

a cylinder’s diagonal is a line

from any (0°) point on the top circle

to its opposite (180°) point on the bottom circle “

what is the cylinder which has any two diagonals intersect perpendicularly?

what is the cone whose apex

is a set of perpendicular rays ?

“ the height of the 3D defining

       perpendicular tetrahedron

                extends as part of the  

                       4th spacial dimension  of “scale”

                 it is one of the 4 diagonals of a cube “

hyperbolic space is the nature

of the two types of space

near the perpendicular intersection points

                                                     of “the grid”  

as they approach linearity from “the wave”

there is no such thing

as a “holy” war           “

there gon b parts of it yu aint like

           but did yu enjoy it overall??  “

                                                        yur life     i mean  

positive attracts negative bcuz they spin

positive attracts positive

 is when they share a negative                      “


do three positives contain

                          2 negatives?

i like it when she dress dramatic..

why we/yu dreaming of

a better world n not living in1 “


does vibrating liquid

uniform n decrease its electron resistance ? “

the universe is the only thing

  2 spin or rotate or orbit about itself.  “

how many meanings can yu place upon a thing?

can yu place so many meanings

                          that the thing describes it all?     “

a rake is a perfect data collection tool

fighting terror with terror

 is like fighting fire with fire

  at the end of the day the home is still destroyed

the ashes still sicken, the smoke still suffocates


alcohol makes yu feel no pain…

we should all  b tryna decrease our hypocrisy…

yu gotta stitch dat shit together bro.

dogg im verified by god

whatever thefuck that is? idk…


                        get dat examind.      “

at least thruout it all

i maintained a reverence 4 longevity ;) “

“we’ll see

is the value of the present moment  “

noahs ark is egodeath


“ aircraft   carriology”

theres a US

and theres a them. or a THEM

US is total in-group

them is kinda outgroup

THEM is total   outgroup             “


has a melting point

“they ”  raise pigs

“ we” raise bulls

 bro    “history”  aint necessarily in the past..

the value of broadcast

has been diluted

evry1 got broadband    “

or is it pinot noir?

helicopters are flying cars

we are the future..

actors …   attain positions of such power..


yure right !



“they “ wanna tell “their” version

of yur story

the thing is

it’s not fear

its scary cuz its true

n yu dont kno why….       “

a LOT of it

runs on selection bias     “

how long

is how far  “

how sadistic is it?

to burn down someone’s house

and when they move to yur neighbourhood

as punishment

yu force them 2 manufacture gasoline

which is directly used 2

burn down their entire home community…          “

no matter how long the fuse is

itll always eventually reach the bomb”

just so yu kno that..

                some1 cares about yu..




uoeu   “




because a helix is a type of circle        

           a helix is the simplest

construction of a cylindroid                    “

layers of scale[helix] define

the cylindroid density ..

the skew defines the cylindroid end shear.            

     perfect perpendicular shear


     is when there are singularity helix loops

                               packed into finite space.        “

assume zero is infinity  

             fundamentality                             “

assume singularity is infinity  

           is the nature of reality      “

assume duality is infinity

is the nature of surreality     “

“assume trinity is infinity

  is the nature of areality“

to what extent is that infinite helix a line of rings?

                                                      singularity extent.

when singularity of all space occurs

im her.. sun

         & stars..   “

she’s a creative grey area

we’re brown  on a good day

             i’m black at night..   ”

what do yu think war rlly is?

        how far is the end goal?

                  how much was at stake?                “

                     did the meaningless take over honey?

how about a game ofconnect the dots?

                                 like the constellations….  “

when jesus finally empathised with all the people of this world

was when heaven was guaranteed..            “

send ingredients

send foundational

send high techknowledgey  “

why so much sameness?

                 even if its bad…

use sameness 2 influencez….

inna numbers they sellnem  

theres noway  its as “handmade”

                            as theyu thought..

we made of from circles

mo wonder our dna is a helix

we a buncha cylinders

with quadrahexagon walls

                  made of spheres

the circles got weird but they were still circles “

a spiral is a helix in 2D

representing 3D perspective

shapes are circles with angles

infinity is perpendicular

0 is non angular or parallel.

we put a nigga on da whole damn moon !

n we still aint solve world hungerthirst yet??       “

reality is constructed within perfect incidence

and or from glancing

                 a circlesphere

i hav the past present n future version of yu

                                                           in my mind

                                                                at a time

yu hav 2 know 3 things about the particle

                         for it to b 3D interacted with.

everything must exist in the universe.

if i think it                            it can b true.

if i think it can b false                  im god. “

its oddly familiar

yet unrecognisable “

cusps exist..

they’re scary but quite fascinating   “

if eyes are the vessel

     rings are essential.  “

think about y they feed yu the slop

                    “ they” think of uu as slop.

                                           do yu eat slop?  ”

the quantum particles dont take as much space relative 2 our reference frame   so the equal opposite forces that make up their gravity

                   is negligible in their existence.

gravity     is electromagnetic

near-originspace behaviour

the tech sector is already federally funded…

school is daycare while their parents slavery

                      covid is globalwarmingsickness

ignorance   is ignore ance

ignoring the problem

instead of brushing it off   “

a cusp is where two circles meet

a cusp can excrete

                  or ingest                          “

yu revere the stories

because of what they mean 2 yu “

aren’t banks a complex “peter paul”  scenario? “

history is just what

everyone else said

about the singularity  “

an artist is nothing but

the amount of shapes he knows

knowing the inception of those shapes is crucial

                                             how can I construct it?

“any absolutism is assumed false within reality “

for the ignition of the birth of anew

yu must deviate the smallest gradation

                                           from singularity “

a spiral is formed as yu take a line

which is constructed on the

singularity-most facing surface

of a tidally locked

orbiting circle along the boundary                       “

 whose radius grows at rate [ between spacing ]

something under stress..

               eventually snaps “

why do “their” mass murderers not get “got” ?

there is a minimum and maximum “closeness”

                                 for all particles in a system

when shit becomes what the 3D is

                               it gets a lil wacky “

the real question is

    how high are we?

there are some things

only i             can kno..  “

the goal is having checks and balances

              occur as frequently as possible

                             in every possible scale  “

the micro and macro economies

       are reflections of each other.    “


the particle is not the wave function

the particle

is everything but the wave function  

the wave function is not the particle

the wave function

is everything but the particle               «


the ringwaves

the ripple effects.. «


revenge is so yu

never hav 2

deal with the

problem again..    «


in a field of similarly rotating

            neighbouring spheres

the hypertetrahedral amalgam between them

must b the shared

                            negative spin aforementioned «

a cube is a perfect field of

8 shifted scaled tetrahedroids

a cube is also a perfectly shifted square

if a square is a type of circle

   a cube is a type of sphere

         that’s why hyperspace

existence switches from

cuboid 2 spheroid

big fast

and cuboid to tetrahedroid

big faster

and tetrahedroid to singularity.

its three because we’re hemi parabolic

                                         and logarithmic

on the positive side at least

because we are all twin spherical vessels

                   mostly an electromagnetic density

when reality breaks down around yu

                                          its very scary

survive ..

the submarine is a real funny joke

the power of god is infinite and extreme

even in the micro-chasms

especially in the macrocosmes              «

slavery is like using a supercomputer

                        2 solve basic arithmetic

so much wasted potential..

quantum entanglement is

universal hardcoded relationship


i own my house

because i take care of her «


it maybe divine timing

   and divine allocation «


in the new eon

yur guilt is punishment enough for yu.

   yu will live with demons if yu are demonic  «

a fundamental concept 2 understanding it is :


what is real here

    is unreal there  «

we jus that new sauce

                       in the dip


labels b like

yu gotta depict yu murdering yur own

            community 2 our white audience.          «

evry well designd community

      has a public central well and fountain «


start calling the “masculine” mfkas “she her”

  and see how long it takes for an altercation  «

                   yu will never b greater

than anything yu fight 2 emulate  “

payment is NOT investment

electromagnetic linear rail launch system

for a hybrid

 [reusable rocket]/[space-plane lander]

rockets should never b used for war

                                       but 2 explore”

#freepalestine           ✔️                      “ representative”


tomorrow is the day after yu dreamd at night.

    “ white people”     are the ones who,

benefit from war and struggle

pentagonal space

is the building block of ..

a closed set of rotation permutations

           creates a continuous universe

coincidence is perpendicularity

those the most exiled

        the most damnd?

the US army is refugee camps

                                  for loyalists

shit in BIG FONT followd by

                                                shit in little font

femininity is        prey-like behaviour

masculinity is     predator-like behaviour

wait jesus created alcohol?

jesus magick heald                    ?

jesus walkd on water?   good and bad

                                    the duality of creation

brain drain is local and global.

or is there a different way of

         numeral representation?

i want infrastructure

    i dont want “ money”….


the borg is judeo-christian

                 quite abrahamic

is “ evrybody”  rlly evrybody?

vote as many times as yu want!!

                                    go crazyyy ;)


startn 2 think

black people

aren’t the minority..

what’s a story that only locally repeats?

evry time war is brought up..

        its a violent tragic scam

war on terror

war on crime

war on drugs

communities destroyed

lives severely sometimes

                        irrevocably impacted

ignored and thought of as insignificant.     “

work  how yu’re paid

if they’re bombing yur home

they’re bombing yu…

god is the reason we are human

GOD is the un-copyable finish line

                           attainable                 “

there is no linearity

in the realm of circles and spheres

and if there is          it is at    


which is the point at unreachable distance

other than the distance of the mind’s eye        “

a cusp uses

equal energy in

as it does out    “

half of existence

cannot have the same energy

                   as whole existence

splitting 1 into 2 is the inception of dilution

but also yields an opportunity

                   for conglomeration

dont trust me because i’m me

trust me because what i said

            was, is, and will b true  “

           we have infinite tendencies

but we can only achieve so much. ”

the nature of reality is the realm where

                          0 and infinity don’t exist

the nature of heaven is the realm of the infinite

                              and the realm of the indefinite

finiteness is reality  

however scarcity should not b feared

               however reverence for scarcity

                                              must not b lost           “

“society” gotta learn how2 allocate smart

horray 4 contributional

local community market centers


         follow life,  follow GOD

irony is a druggg

parody is a druggggggg

negativity is the urge 2 subtract

                  what has been added.

fractals are fantastic storage units

taxes should b contributional  “

yure “old”  bcuz “they”

      workd yu 2 old age

what are the forms at the inception of the creation of a dimension?

what are the proportional forms which are created from the entanglement

of a new set of angles?                                    “

differing specific initial scarcities

create wildly different end-game outcomes “

what a blessing we have    

                         2 🐝 alive !

meritocracy is maximal efficiency

WE are of dimension 5 .

white holes are particles

there are so many of them that

         the voronoi creates reality

the matter expelled comes

from the black holes of the universe

true tetrahedron is the simplest expression of a sphere

                                            in fully condensed dimension 4

the derivative is the fundamental boundary

the integral is the fundamental composition

the gradient of existence

is spirals becoming concentric circles

or cardioids becoming circles

there is a point where

two mirror sides become one perfect side  

                        that is the realistic inflection

the limit to modern physics is the sphere

because the sphere

is what we observe light from

and the speed limit of physics is light itself

our universe tends towards spherical nature

how good are yu at

working with what yu got?

age gives yu a normalised view.

i am a culmination of my teachers

teachers are paramount

tetrahedral space is 4 plane space

fundamental life essence

is the perfect polarity of animation

peering thru that veil of wavefunctions

       at the perfect angle 2 observe GOD   “

a truth is that there is always +1

the Truth is that there is subsequently -1

                                                 the TRUTH is “

different permutations of the same thing

                                 thats what a circle is..

a recently rare question/statement is..

                   “would we pray together?”

                             what are its implications?

constitution — what constitutes

dematerialization  __ de-constitution

to become of material

to exit          of spirit

infinity scales infinitely

every object with mass has a singularity

how much matter

is condensed within said singularity

determines its mass and gravitational force.

forgiveness is a culmination

it happens at the end of understanding

it happens when

the full contradiction is complete

and the rage filled fire

becomes sorrowful embers

eroding away at the tree of life

and endangering the divine forest.           “

how much performance can yu provide

                                 until there is catalyst

how much catalyst can yu provide

               until there is performance            “

bro      money is drugs.

all my tears are gone

i cant even cry no mo

                            im mad…  “

what can yu realistically make..

           with no solid ingredients?

imagine the “innovation”

            born of constraint

                                superposition   is a useful tool

if yu know there is equal transit

                                        to   from

yu can assume the superposition pushes

if yu know there is equal transit


                                       from    to

yu can assume the superposition pulls

superposition is

                         all about the motion

                         the subject tends 2

               within the field and of the field

the realm of no motion is the realm of attracted

the realm of motion      is the attractive realm

the surrounding superstructure

                                 in that regard

is a star who’s heat cannot

vaporise its surface

called a planet?

are our heavy metals from the compression

and the expulsion equi-redistribution

was the earth originally a molten metal ball?

is the earth still a molten metal balll?

is the surface pulsating?

is the surface waving?

are we really really magnetically attracted 2

the woozy metal blob of the earth ?

is light medium ?

or within medium?

so when yu condense space enough

                         it starts eating things?

is life consumption?

is death being consumed?

is consumption the act of      

                                           0 from 1 to 0 to 1 from..  

                                            ..to 1 from 0 from 1 to 0

the so many ways we can


circles 2 triangles

its funny how a country can jail

                             even execute     one murderer

                    yet fund more than 20,000 of them


aries           is the lighter

leo                is the fire

sagittarius   is the ember     «

hemispherical propeller

                    since there are but only 2

basic birthright human permutations  

WE tend 2 elect a binary leadership                  “

a perfectly variable singularity is a circle.

as a circle rolls around an angle,

there is a stalling rotation

until spacial traversal is continued

is there a shape that

is fully composed of cusps?

a tri-cusp defines the shape of space

    between the components of

a fully compact field of circles

a tri-cusp  is a triangle in which all sides

                            are segments of a circle

humans naturally have their tendencies

let them tend

and work with a model that

constructively uses those tendencies     “

value tendencies equally within two universes

the universe of the all

 and the universe of the individual

that value must zero-sum balance

the overall construction must +1 sum towards gratification of the aforementioned zero-sum

there are some forces

which are pendulum forces

and must remain zero sum at infinity

there are other forces

 which are critical forces

 and choose one of the +1 sides

of a pendulum force to feed on towards infinity “

i step on the gas..

i dont come in last        “

never slow  ifast

the terrorists are those with the weapons of mass destruction


                            an inhibition 2 willingly use it.

how long do yu take 2 approach sumn?

integral time :)

whats the difference between

        the story n the story teller?

take the integral of

a moment and its inverse

      approx. simultaneously

       overlayed..  time spans

      shrinking 2 infinityzero    “

there is a moment of zero

     before rotation resumes”

 bro ….

    we all do drugs… “

a ratio of circleS

define an angle    “

0 to 1

is characteristically different

                                    to 1 to 0  “


a dimension     is an infinity

is otherism a thing?

can one b otherized?  

at what point do two circles become

                                  a stable figure 8?

they cannot flow continuously at an inflection

  or else they will unravel into one large circle.

they must create two real cusps between them such that their shared point bounces any incoming subject off into the other circle.

the shared point must not allow a subject

                                                  2 cross thru it

we live within a big bang which contains all the other big bangs that could’ve been the one of

which we experience,  but necessarily aren’t  ”

 at every scale and at every position

there is a big bang      

                 the ripple effects

                              of the density   begets reality “

mirror symmetry defines front and back

                                              left and right

front left

                       front right

                       back left

back right

all my senses gotta agree

                                  its real..

yu can’t persecute an entire group

for the actions of a minority of that group

past halfway it goes either way.

yur god and yur spirit

is how the world talks 2 yu


moments of perfection

surrounded by

infinitely more moments

               of imperfection  «


says a lot a bout yu

the wealthiest person yu know? of«  right?


the zeitgeist   IS

the infrastructure of power…

history IS

the infrastructure of power..

control over PUBLIC past self reference IS

               the infrastructure superstructure     «


do yu judge a man based on the atrocities which occurred under his control of zeitgeist ?

blame him on the grounds of his direct use

                                               of that influence…

and the correlation of the constituent events

                  relating as a result   to the atrocity

                                        and its propercontext    «


why are women infused

with the birthright ability

 2    create     nurture and   construct

                            an alive human being?  «


rings of rings placed evenly

      or maybe placed upon a cone?

does that make a hemisphere ?                    «


how does one birth a nation

without feminine qualifications ?

aren’t women the natural creators ? «


 simplicity in construction

is instruction for foundation «


structures which constantly repeat

               are on the extreme ends of

easily destroyed and easily constructed

structures which rarely repeat

 utilise repeating structures

because of their nature

and naturally as a result these

 « non repeating » structures     carry forth

                                      both dead and alive

                         they are forever structures

repetition is the « on » function

repetition of zero is the « off » function

repetition of non-repetition of repetition

is the initial instance of a forever structure..  «


perpendicularity is rare

black and white are all 2 common «

perpendicularity is particularly found using rigor

absolutisms               are found within instance

                         sometimes through infinite rigor «

the power of the present moment

the instant..

how closely can yu feel the instant?

                    how present can yu get?

as particles accelerate

time acts upon them less and less

they slowly leave the fourth dimension

until they reach the pure third dimension

the pure third dimension

being spatially two dimensional

with a z “existence” component

which may b similar 2 fourth dimensional time

but most likely doesn’t interact

with space in the same way

superposition is vibration from 1 to 0

 as its frequency approaches infinity

light is electromagnetic because of its

“pure 3D” nature.

as it moves along space the only dimensions it can occupy are 2 perpendicular dimensions

electrical and magnetic

the world is a complex and infinite ecosystem

for every up there is a down

for every down there is a left

for every left there is a right

for every right there is an in

and for every in there is an out

employ more local farmers for fresh produce  “

any shape can b turned into a hallway

anger comes from a feeling of unfairness

the more unfairness one feels

the more angry one gets

when dividing by the approach to zero

the result is the numerator scaled naturally

                to the infinity proportional to itself

the infinity of size “1”   is     1 divided by 0

the infinity of size “2”  is     2 divided by 0

the infinity of size “3”  is    3 divided by 0

once yur okay with death..

        death is okay with yu. “

it’s the dancers..

  that make the best music

a 3D outline

is a surface

law workers should b paid directly

                     by the commonwealth

otherwise they will remain

extremely susceptible to bias


up until the point yu act


  after the point of action  “

sample oscillations when computing infinities

“power” is the ability 2 act

with zero perceived negative consequences

from linear create

create linear from

  • linear create from

b wary of tendency

“ my tears

personified “

there’s so much 2 “ discover”

  bcuz theres so much we’ve forgotten  “

“ work”  startn 2 sound

like its becoming a cult.

a masterarchitect knows

how his creations breathe

that is the value of architecture

choice is the inception of life. “



just so yu kno that..

                some1 cares about yu..




uoeu   “






nOillim     “


because a helix is a type of circle        

           a helix is the simplest

construction of a cylindroid                    “

layers of scale[helix] define

the cylindroid density ..

the skew defines the cylindroid end shear.            

     perfect perpendicular shear

   is when there are singularity helix loops

                               packed into finite space.        “

assume zero is infinity  

             fundamentality                             “

assume singularity is infinity  

           is the nature of reality      “

assume duality is infinity

is the nature of surreality     “

“assume trinity is infinity

  is the nature of areality“

to what extent is that infinite helix a line of rings?

                                                      singularity extent.

when singularity of all space occurs

im her.. sun

         & stars..   “

she’s a creative grey area

we’re brown  on a good day

             i’m black at night..   ”

what do yu think war rlly is?

        how far is the end goal?

                  how much was at stake?                “

                     did the meaningless take over honey?

how about a game ofconnect the dots?

                                 like the constellations….  “

when jesus finally empathised with all the people of this world

was when heaven was guaranteed..            “

send ingredients

send foundational

send high techknowledgey  “

why so much sameness?

                 even if its bad…

use sameness 2 influencez….

inna numbers they sellnem  

theres noway  its as “handmade”

                            as theyu thought..

we made of from circles

mo wonder our dna is a helix

we a buncha cylinders

with quadrahexagon walls

                  made of spheres

the circles got weird but they were still circles  “

a spiral is a helix in 2D

representing 3D perspective

shapes are circles with angles

infinity is perpendicular

0 is non angular or parallel.

we put a nigga on da whole damn moon !

n we still aint solve world hungerthirst yet??       “

reality is constructed within perfect incidence

and or from glancing

                 a circlesphere

i hav the past present n future version of yu

                                                           in my mind

                                                                at a time

yu hav 2 know 3 things about the particle

                         for it to b 3D interacted with.

everything must exist in the universe.

if i think it                            it can b true.

if i think it can b false                  im god. “

its oddly familiar

yet unrecognisable “

cusps exist..

they’re scary but quite fascinating   “

if eyes are the vessel

     rings are essential.  “

think about y they feed yu the slop

                    “ they” think of uu as slop.

                                           do yu eat slop?  ”

the quantum particles dont take as much space relative 2 our reference frame   so the equal opposite forces that make up their gravity

                   is negligible in their existence.

gravity     is electromagnetic

near-originspace behaviour

the tech sector is already federally funded…

school is daycare while their parents slavery

                      covid is globalwarmingsickness

ignorance   is ignore ance

ignoring the problem

instead of brushing it off   “

a cusp is where two circles meet

a cusp can excrete

                  or ingest                          “

yu revere the stories

because of what they mean 2 yu “

aren’t banks a complex “peter paul”  scenario? “

history is just what

everyone else said

about the singularity  “

an artist is nothing but

the amount of shapes he knows

knowing the inception of those shapes is crucial

                                             how can I construct it?

“ any absolutism is assumed false within reality “

for the ignition of the birth of anew

yu must deviate the smallest gradation

                                           from singularity “

a spiral is formed as yu take a line

which is constructed on the

singularity-most facing surface

of a tidally locked

orbiting circle along the boundary                       “

 whose radius grows at rate [ between spacing ]

something under stress..

               eventually snaps “

why do “their” mass murderers not get “got” ?

there is a minimum and maximum “closeness”

                                 for all particles in a system

when shit becomes what the 3D is

                               it gets a lil wacky “

the real question is

    how high are we?

there are some things

only i             can kno..  “

the goal is having checks and balances

              occur as frequently as possible

                             in every possible scale  “

the micro and macro economies

       are reflections of each other.    “


the particle is not the wave function

the particle

is everything but the wave function  

the wave function is not the particle

the wave function

is everything but the particle               «


the ringwaves

the ripple effects.. «


revenge is so yu

never hav 2

deal with the

problem again..    «


in a field of similarly rotating

            neighbouring spheres

the hypertetrahedral amalgam between them

must b the shared

                            negative spin aforementioned «

a cube is a perfect field of

8 shifted scaled tetrahedroids

a cube is also a perfectly shifted square

if a square is a type of circle

   a cube is a type of sphere

         that’s why      hyperspace

existence switches from

cuboid 2 spheroid

big fast

and cuboid to tetrahedroid

big faster

and tetrahedroid to singularity.

its three because we’re hemi parabolic

                                         and logarithmic

on the positive side at least

because we are all twin spherical vessels

                   mostly an electromagnetic density

when reality breaks down around yu

                                          its very scary

survive ..


sounds eerily similar 2 master

freedom is difficult

freedom requires discernment

slavery is very appealing          until it isnt..


the submarine is a real funny joke

the power of god is infinite and extreme

even in the micro-chasms

especially in the macrocosmes              «

slavery is like using a supercomputer

                        2 solve basic arithmetic

so much wasted potential..

quantum entanglement is

universal hardcoded relationship


i own my house

because i take care of her «


it maybe divine timing

   and divine allocation «


in the new eon

yur guilt is punishment enough for yu.

   yu will live with demons if yu are demonic  «

a fundamental concept 2 understanding it is :


what is real here

    is unreal there  «

we juss that new sauce

                       in the dip


labels b like

yu gotta have that trap drill bang banger innere

so we can depict yu murdering yur own

            community 2 our white audience.          «

evry well designd community

      has a public central well and fountain «


start calling the “masculine” mfkas “she her”

  and see how long it takes for an altercation  «

                   yu will never b greater

than anything yu fight 2 emulate  “

payment is NOT investment

electromagnetic linear “rail-gun” launch system

for a hybrid

 [reusable rocket]/[space-plane lander]

the initial magnet-assisted launch will orbit the spaceplane and booster.   the booster after successfully orbiting will decouple, de orbit, and if not vaporised, land in the ocean.   the spaceplane will b able 2 rendezvous, deliver cargo, and deorbit

                                   landing like shuttle.            “

the chamber will have a fully electromagnetic siding which will keep the craft from hitting the walls   (maglev technology)

the chamber will ascend from underground linearly at an angle

and the length and ascent angle will depend on the desired orbital or escape trajectory.

this will cheapen the entire launch process and allow for rapid launches due to no launch pad damage or heavy (per-launch) maintenance.

the electromagnetic assist should bring the craft to a suborbital trajectory which is at minimum equivalent to the the capabilities of the first stage of a conventional rocket.

for manned launches

the acceleration may not exceed 4.5g                 “

rockets should never b used for war

                                                but 2 explore ”

#freepalestine        ✔️      FREEEEEEEEDEM’ OCRACY


tomorrow is the day after yu dreamd at night.

    “ white people”     are the ones who,

benefit from war and struggle

pentagonal space

is the building block of ..

a closed set of rotation permutations

           creates a continuous universe

coincidence is perpendicularity

pi is circular perpendicularity

the number pi

is the translation of

circular perpendicularity

into decimal enumeration           “

what enumeration is pi 1?

what enumeration is pi 0?

those the most exiled

        the most damnd?

the US army is refugee camps

                                  for loyalists

shit in BIG FONT followd by

                                                shit in little font

femininity is        prey-like behaviour

masculinity is     predator-like behaviour

wait jesus created alcohol?

jesus magick heald                    ?

jesus walkd on water?   good and bad

                                    the duality of creation

brain drain is local and global.

decimal is off by..  3.14159  from circular?

so how bout      (bottom)decimal-3.14159     ?

dimension                :     6.858


                           (top)decimal+3.14159      ?

dimension                 :       13.142

or    (top end)13.142-(low end)6.858  

=        is circular ?    dimension6.283?


(10+pi) - (10-pi) = 6.283    (low end)

(10-pi) + (10+pi) = 20         (high end)INTEGER

20-6.283   (10+pi) + (10-pi) >-< (10+pi) - (10-pi)

= 13.717              (low end)

6.283+20   (10+pi) + (10-pi) <+> (10+pi) - (10-pi)

= 26.283           (high end)

26.283-13.717  = 12.566        (low end)

13.717+26.283 = 40               ( high end)INTEGER


(even and odd motions of pi’s interaction with the number 10)

                                                                           along the  ” 2X” dimension

is pi the number that contains itself?  entirely??

                                                       across the [2x] dimension ???

40-12.566   =  27.434 (low end)

12.566+40  =  52.566 (high end)

52.566-27.434 =  25.132  (low end )

27.434+52.566 =  80         (high end)INTEGER

80-25.132 = 54.868 (low end)

25.132+80 = 105.132 (high end)

105.132-54.868    =   50.264  (low end)

54.868 + 105.132   =    160     (high end)

pi infinity interacts with decimal infinity

                                                in 2x speed

is base 0     to     base infinity continuous?

what is pi in base 3?   10.01021101222210

        farther than base 2 so decimal is OFFoff

is pi 2 in base infinity?  

                is pi the concept of duplication?

in the set of bases between base 1 and base 2 ?

since base 2 is the closest 2 a real pi

              is base 2 the closest 2 reality?

or is there a different way of

         numeral representation?

sin is the circular area         from 0 to 1

cosin is the circular area     from 1 to 0

pi decimally normalises

the circular space of sine and cosine

sin          starts at 0       and ends up 0

cosin      starts at 1       and ends up -1

sin    is    0  1  0      

and   cosine    is     1    0   -1

sin       is the fundamental circular transit of existence

cos     is the fundamental circular transit of inversion

instead of 2 options per choice

                               how about 20?

is absolute value space perpendicular?


i want infrastructure

    i dont want “ money”….


the borg is judeo-christian

                 quite abrahamic

is “ evrybody”  rlly evrybody?

vote as many times as yu want!!

                                    go crazyyy ;)


slavery wasis a job..  back innaday…

startn 2 think

black people

aren’t the minority..

what’s a story that only locally repeats?

at a certain level of density

only certain angles can b reflected

only 3 certain dimensions can exist

    only certain lines can b occupied       “

its perpendicular

evry time war is brought up..

        its a violent tragic scam

war on terror

war on crime

war on drugs

communities destroyed

lives severely sometimes

                        irrevocably impacted

ignored and thought of as insignificant.     “

work  how yu’re paid

if thats how “they” country does “the middle east”

how yu think they Do ”black” ppl?

if they’re bombing yur home

they’re bombing yu…

god is the reason we are human

GOD is the un-copyable finish line

                           attainable                 “

the supreme court should b

a uniform normalised sample

of each state’s elected law-interpreter

to condense from square lattice space

                                to a tri-space lattice

one must shift every other layer such that

                   every square of tangent circles

becomes a rhombus of tangent circles

and the simplest tiling

is an equilateral triangle of tangent circles

              within a hexagonal superstructure


from 2-4 space to 3-6 space is a condensation

possible circular spaces :

2 4 8 16 32

3 6 12 24 48

leaving these fundamental / formative spaces

                                                  between circular :

1   5   7       9 10 11     13 14 15…

there is no linearity

in the realm of circles and spheres

and if there is          it is at    


which is the point at unreachable distance

other than the distance of the mind’s eye        “

a cusp uses

equal energy in

as it does out    “

half of existence

cannot have the same energy

                   as whole existence

splitting 1 into 2 is the inception of dilution

but also yields an opportunity

                   for conglomeration

dont trust me because i’m me

trust me because what i said

            was, is, and will b true  “

           we have infinite tendencies

but we can only achieve so much. ”

the nature of reality is the realm where

                          0 and infinity don’t exist

the nature of heaven is the realm of the infinite

                              and the realm of the indefinite

finiteness is reality  

however scarcity should not b feared

               however reverence for scarcity

                                              must not b lost           “

“society” gotta learn how2 allocate smart

horray 4 contributional

local community market centers

why are yal following the story of the exiled?

                            select groups within     :

jews from egypt

christians from life itself


         follow life,  follow GOD

irony is a druggg

parody is a druggggggg

negativity is the urge 2 subtract

                  what has been added.

fractals are fantastic storage units

taxes should b contributional  “

yure “old”  bcuz “they”

      workd yu 2 old age

what are the forms at the inception of the creation of a dimension?

what are the proportional forms which are created from the entanglement

of a new set of angles?                                    “

differing specific initial scarcities

create wildly different end-game outcomes “

what a blessing we have    

                         2 🐝 alive !

who built the wmds ?

google hardware

             apple os?

meritocracy is maximal efficiency

WE are of dimension 5 .

white holes are particles

there are so many of them that

         the voronoi creates reality

the matter expelled comes

from the black holes if the universe

government should b the “standard”

tetrahedroid is the simplest expression of a sphere in fully condensed dimension 3

theres 4 (3 panels -> 3 triangles)  

the derivative is the fundamental boundary

the integral is the fundamental composition

the gradient of existence

is spirals becoming concentric circles

or cardioids becoming circles

there is a point where

two mirror sides become one perfect side  

                        that is the realistic inflection

the limit to modern physics is the sphere

because the sphere

is what we observe light from

and the speed limit of physics is light itself

our universe tends towards spherical nature

how good are yu at

working with what yu got?

age gives yu a normalised view.

i am a culmination of my teachers

teachers are paramount

tetrahedral space is 4 plane space

fundamental life essence

is the perfect polarity of animation

peering thru that veil of wavefunctions

       at the perfect angle 2 observe GOD   “

a truth is that there is always +1

the Truth is that there is subsequently -1

                                                 the TRUTH is “

the ratio between an inscribed sphere

                   within a true cylinder is 2:3 or 3:2

a hemisphere is the same volume as

              a true cylinder - a true cone

  • a sphere’s volume contains 4 1/3s   because it is composed of 4 equal right triangles integrated around a greater circle

different permutations of the same thing

                                 thats what a circle is..

a recently rare question/statement is..

                   “would we pray together?”

                             what are its implications?

constitution — what constitutes

dematerialization  __ de-constitution

to become of material

to exit          of spirit

infinity scales infinitely

every object with mass has a singularity

how much matter

is condensed within said singularity

determines its mass and gravitational force.

forgiveness is a culmination

it happens at the end of understanding

it happens when

the full contradiction is complete

and the rage filled fire

becomes sorrowful embers

eroding away at the tree of life

and endangering the divine forest.           “

how much performance can yu provide

                                 until there is catalyst

how much catalyst can yu provide

               until there is performance            “

bro      money is drugs.

using fresnel concepts for

    maximum solar capture

all my tears are gone

i cant even cry no mo

                            im mad…  “

what can yu realistically make..

           with no solid ingredients?

imagine the “innovation”

            born of constraint

                                superposition   is a useful tool

if yu know there is equal transit

                                        to   from

yu can assume the superposition pushes

if yu know there is equal transit


                                       from    to

yu can assume the superposition pulls

superposition is

                         all about the motion

                         the subject tends 2

               within the field and of the field

the realm of no motion is the realm of attracted

the realm of motion      is the attractive realm

as we begin 2 build larger

the componentry gains singugravity

what do we do?  

we construct with componentry

                             that takes account

                             for intrinsic gravity.

and its interactions with

the surrounding superstructure

                                 in that regard

is a star who’s heat cannot

vaporise its surface

called a planet?

are our heavy metals from the compression

and the expulsion equi-redistribution

was the earth originally a molten metal ball?

is the earth still a molten metal balll?

is the surface pulsating?

is the surface waving?

are we really really magnetically attracted 2

the woozy metal blob of the earth ?

is light medium ?

or within medium?

so when yu condense space enough

                         it starts eating things?

is life consumption?

is death being consumed?

is consumption the act of      

                                           0 from 1 to 0 to 1 from..  

                                            ..to 1 from 0 from 1 to 0

the so many ways we can


circles 2 triangles

its funny how a country can jail

                             even execute     one murderer

                    yet fund more than 20,000 of them


aries           is the lighter

leo                is the fire

sagittarius   is the ember     «

hemispherical propeller

                    since there are but only 2

basic birthright human permutations  

they tend 2 elect a binary leadership                  “

a perfectly variable singularity is a circle.

every angle has a cardioid

which defines a given point on a circle’s

                                    rolling motion around it

as a circle rolls around an angle,

there is a stalling rotation

until spacial traversal is continued

is there a shape that

is fully composed of cusps?

a tri-cusp defines the shape of space

    between the components of

a fully compact field of circles

a tri-cusp  is a triangle in which all sides

                            are segments of a circle

humans naturally have their tendencies

let them tend

and work with a model that

constructively uses those tendencies     “

value tendencies equally within two universes

the universe of the all

 and the universe of the individual

that value must zero-sum balance

the overall construction must +1 sum towards gratification of the aforementioned zero-sum

there are some forces

which are pendulum forces

and must remain zero sum at infinity

there are other forces

 which are critical forces

 and choose one of the +1 sides

of a pendulum force to feed on towards infinity “

i step on the gas..

and and-and i dont come in last    “

                          never slow  ifast

the terrorists are those with the weapons of mass destruction and

                            an inhibition 2 willingly use it.

how long do yu take 2 approach sumn?

integral time :)

whats the difference between

        the story n the story teller?

take the integral of

a moment and its inverse

      approx. simultaneously

       overlayed..  time spans

      shrinking 2 infinityzero    “

there is a moment of zero

     before rotation resumes”

 bro ….

    we all do drugs… “

a ratio of circleS

define an angle    “

0 to 1

is characteristically different

                                    to 1 to 0  “


a dimension     is an infinity

is otherism a thing?

can one b otherized?  

at what point do two circles become

                                  a stable figure 8?

they cannot flow continuously at an inflection

  or else they will unravel into one large circle.

they must create two real cusps between them such that their shared point bounces any incoming subject off into the other circle.

the shared point must not allow a subject

                                                  2 cross thru it

we live within a big bang which contains all the other big bangs that could’ve been the one of

which we experience,  but necessarily aren’t  ”

 at every scale and at every position

there is a big bang      

                 the ripple effects

                              of the density   begets reality “

mirror symmetry defines front and back

                                              left and right

front left

                       front right

                       back left

back right

all my senses gotta agree

                                  its real..

yu can’t persecute an entire group

for the actions of a minority of that group

past halfway it goes either way.

yur god and yur spirit

is how the world talks 2 yu


moments of perfection

surrounded by

infinitely more moments

               of imperfection  «


says a lot a bout yu

the wealthiest person yu know? of«  right?


the zeitgeist   IS

the infrastructure of power…

history IS

the infrastructure of power..

control over PUBLIC past self reference IS

               the infrastructure superstructure     «


do yu judge a man based on the atrocities which occurred under his control of zeitgeist ?

blame him on the grounds of his direct use

                                               of that influence…

and the correlation of the constituent events

                  relating as a result   to the atrocity

                                        and its propercontext    «


why are women infused

with the birthright ability

 2    create     nurture and   construct

                            an alive human being?  «


rings of rings placed evenly upon

      a bottom heavy trapacylinder  

or maybe placed upon a cone?

does that make a hemisphere ?                    «


how does one birth a nation

without feminine qualifications ?

aren’t women the natural creators ? «


 simplicity in construction

is instruction for foundation «


structures which constantly repeat

               are on the extreme ends of

easily destroyed and easily constructed

structures which rarely repeat

 utilise repeating structures

because of their nature

and naturally as a result these

 « non repeating » structures     carry forth

                                      both dead and alive

                         they are forever structures

repetition is the « on » function

repetition of zero is the « off » function

repetition of non-repetition of repetition

is the initial instance of a forever structure..  «


perpendicularity is rare

black and white are all 2 common «

perpendicularity is particularly found using rigor

absolutisms               are found within instance

                         sometimes through infinite rigor «

the power of the present moment

the instant..

how closely can yu feel the instant?

                    how present can yu get?

as particles accelerate

time acts upon them less and less

they slowly leave the fourth dimension

until they reach the pure third dimension

the pure third dimension

being spatially two dimensional

with a z “existence” component

which may b similar 2 fourth dimensional time

but most likely doesn’t interact

with space in the same way

superposition is vibration from 1 to 0

 as its frequency approaches infinity

light is electromagnetic because of its

“pure 3D” nature.

as it moves along space the only dimensions it can occupy are 2 perpendicular dimensions

electrical and magnetic

community garden exchange app

online application which contains instructions on how to build gardens of certain dimensions and their average yields

for communities 2 come together and grow different types of basic ingredient foods and swap them around with the people of their neighbourhood so that everyone can have a staple of fruits and/or vegetables for their meals of the year.

a single house can of course grow all of the things provided

however the optimal usage of the app is for different houses to specialise and after sequestration of how much they need

 each house is able 2 log how much of each food they have grown and how much surplus is available per house so that after harvest the neighbors can swap around what they are in need of .

the world is a complex and infinite ecosystem

for every up there is a down

for every down there is a left

for every left there is a right

for every right there is an in

and for every in there is an out

turn “mega-mart” rooftops

into community gardens  

employ more local farmers for fresh produce  “

any shape can b turned into a hallway

anger comes from a feeling of unfairness

the more unfairness one feels

the more angry one gets

when dividing by the approach to zero

the result is the numerator scaled naturally

                to the infinity proportional to itself

the infinity of size “1”   is     1 divided by 0

the infinity of size “2”  is     2 divided by 0

the infinity of size “3”  is    3 divided by 0

once yur okay with death..

        death is okay with yu. “

it’s the dancers..

  that make the best music

a 3D outline

is a surface

law workers should b paid directly

                     by the commonwealth

otherwise they will remain

extremely susceptible to bias


up until the point yu act


  after the point of action  “

enjoy somesuperstructure.

BUILD”her..”  (blackONBLACK)





D3MONS    :   or is it?



FEAR              or         TRUST        

believe the better narrative



    \_SPECT     NEON

who put the puzzle       together?

who stitched my heart together?

who is            my sunflower?

who is            my painting?

who is            my light?

who is mine    4 2nite?

who made the demons  burn?

who made miss mafia return?

                             i mean learn.

who is partyyy babyyy?

who stopped by & saved me?

who       helped me make me?

why didn’t she      forsake me?  

from the past     2 the future

what changed?

is it me?              or what i’m wearing?




the door is unlocked so yu open it

_looks like yur back where yu started.

get the key 4 the door

_so when yu open it

_ _yu walk on new carpet..


we cannot know

who rules god

whoever came up with the term


good job….

yu are

one in all

in defiance of none

[ JUDGEM3NT is the key ]




1      .:

2        :.

3   :..::..:

 3 points is the first cycle  




an inlet in each cardinal direction directing storm lvl winds int2 turbines able 2 withstand them     these can capture energy from tornado /hurricane lvl storms using that energy 2 lift a gravity battery underground.


piezoelectric floor tiling 4 crowded public spaces.

piezoelectric jogging/bike lanes

netting +hook closure

[  im DUMMY smart ]

lemme make dis shit clear.

im fly but no lear.

jet lag i need caffeine im redeye but here.


“  pull another stunt like that again i’ll cut yu. “

“ stab me..”

“ yu’re filthy…”

“ rich coming from yu….”


“ jesus can yu help me..

    i’ve gotta make her cum” ~   of god

hi fine young woman

how do yu do?

may i turn on a beat

and see how yu groove?

wowza jee whiz  what them ankles do

oh no wait a minute  yur skirt is see thru..

y-yur shirt is.. && y-yur wearing p-perfume??

what would god say  about this nonsense yu do?

oh lord wait why  

oh dont touch me there i..

now turn around.

 and then ill …  in yur eye

and ill.. with yur thigh…  

then put yur..  up high

maybe … gimme five

lick the … till it cries …

wait let’s  do a prayer dont wanna anger the lord

jesus make sure  

our actions stay pure

now lovely young lady put my… in yur tonsils

read me scripture while yur at it

pick yur favourite apostle

what would jesus do?  

let me ask  gods favourite son..

jesus can yu help me..

    i’ve gotta make her cum.

2 church..   oh lord what ever will i do

young lady yuve made a mess

on my front row pew

repent repent repent  for yur sins

if yu do that again   ill hav yu sing hymns

wait.  waitwait.   yu devilish young woman

we’re supposed 2 b of god

i can’t…      on yur bosom

now i got her screaming  lord have mercy

the rod of god in her … has her thirsty

here hav some blood of our chist lord almighty

dont spill it or else      yu’ll b seen as untidy

lovely young lady i’ve fetchd yu a dress

please cover up less

i mean more

i mean less

i mean come here

we got 30 minutes no stress

 whats a new mess?

    forgiveness is blessd…


we’re of god..

“ unawareness is the nature of humanity “

where im at?

who im wit?


jus sum shit..

















JUNE :  




















“ uncertainty && continuity bound reality”

“thing is i dont wanna do it

                                              but ill do it nigg a”

iss like im batman how much yal is robbin

“ externally imposed self consciousness was the snowball sin”

“ meaning is a tool”

“ it depends on the type of reverse a story is read in,

that determines the degree of sense it makes. ”




SIDE 3 IS         :

NEITHER   1   OR   0

        IT IS    1  AND 0

i add color

& remove shade

“every time i shoot myself it doesnt work.

another eye just grows from the hole.

i need yu to do it…”

‘pistol whip’

“that’s not how yu use it”

“how many?”

one in the heart

one in the forehead

two under the jaw

one on the temple

“its been a few tries.”

“yure gonna insult me like this? after all we’ve..”

“i was under the impression yur debt was paid & yud hav left by now, do me this solid before yu go..”

“so that’s it? yure just.. gonna leave me?”

“where else do i go? i won yur debt paid.. i freed my other1 so.. my purpose seems quite finished”

“that’s all i mean 2 yu huh?”

“i can’t expect yu 2 reciprocate how i feel about yu, yu got what yu needed from me.. aim right between the eyes 4 me make it quick.”


“i love yu..“


“what a trainwreck..“

.… bang*

i could wear walmart thread   make it look chic

ion do hookups    i only fuck freaks


bullet thru the sheet

tied her hands & feet

she gonna eat my skeet

she aint no vegan she eat meat

but had her veggie 4 a week  

(i fuckd her brains out)

on the dick she take a seat

she wanna kiss   say brush yo teeth

she give me hiss   then kiss my cheek

she give me bliss      okay kiss me

she give me kiss       and ride swiftly

she slow her hips      she get risky

we dont want kids       right?  

she said miss me    

then cross her legs      im like bitch please

she speed it up          im like stop playn

she said miss me       & im tryna breathe

she stop her tease     and let me leave

its just in time       i need reprieve      

i bust a nut        all on her teeth

she smile at me    and said kiss please

i fuck her so she scream-in

make her swallow semen

got dat pussy seasick

choke her she ain’t breathin

then i put it deep in

hands off let her breathe in

kiss her    stroke stay even

she love it when i creep in

she kiss me like she eatin

she bite my lip its bleedin

she suck my blood im leakin


girl      fuck fuck fuck


                 yu never fuckn leavin.

the 3D holds entirely nothing the

fourth dimension cannot see.

there is no event order in dimension 4.

only what constitutes the event.

what happened, happens, and will happen.

the third eye cannot hide the happenings.

the third eye only knows   the happenings.

dont matter where yu restart da beat

as long as it start back up again.




third eye keeps yur space



im already already smacked

ambient 4:44:44 video

“people hide “

“the story is sorta past, kinda present, in the future. “

sympaths learn how to empath


yu ever jus get in yur mode?

dat god music     soul

i finally shut up

& found out how much i hate chattn w most yaL

thing is im him.

why da fuck  would i spill da

deetails onna internet

FLYwheel bike  ( two main wheels, counterrotating central flywheels connected 2 battery, conserve energy while yu bike. )

WHY CONSTRAINT???    no longer.

study && data of the average will never yield exceptional outcomes

exception is where the explorers of the land of averages fear to venture.


deep sea pressure energy

“ things repeat.”

“ the fourth dimension is what comes && goes”

“time is the medium

in which

fourth dimensional happenings

               occur                                  “

“ the present moment   is the switch

from the inside being out  

2 the outside being in                            ”

the inside and outside of a klein bottle exist in the same space at two separate moments in time.  

the only thing we may see in the present.  

is a ring.   or nothing at all.

“where there is no time there is no light”

“where there is no time there is no vibration”

“the fifth dimension   is what is and isn’t.

a given transit of

the happenings within time    is or isn’t “

“5D is clarity 2 obscurity”

“ is      is what’s here now

isn’t    is what’s there then “

“the sixth dimension    can or cannot.”

“the seventh dimension    will or won’t.”

it [7D]will            if it [6D]can        so it [5D]is

it [7D]won’t        if it [6D]can’t      so it [5D]isn’t

if it    [6D]can      it [7D]will           so it [5D]is

if it    [6D]can’t    it [7D]won’t       so it [5D]isn’t

it   [5D]is               if it [6D]can        so it [7D]will

it   [5D]isn’t          if it [6D]can’t     so it [7D]won’t


FASHION                                    STOREFRONT

PAINTING/PRINTS                     MID STORE

VINYL RECORDS                       STORE REAR


i dont buy designer     i am designer

“DONT B LAZY                     OR HASTY


keep a clean look

but i could get a lil grimey

leave the fashion function

puff a opp pack wit me slimeys

“ its after the third time

where yu doin it on purpose”

the degree to which yu can communicate

is the degree to which yu can illuminate.

“ yu gotta overlay it all on the same instance 4 it 2 make sense.”

wtf yu on abt broooo

wtf yu talm bout brooooo “

“  anywhere but these streeeeets.  

cmonnnn broooo :(“

yu wanna fill their time

with an elegant song and dance.

yu wanna rarely b the time they wasted.   “

“”it can’t b    the instance.   its just how yu feel at that moment in the timeline.””

“every wave crashes.

yet every wave crests.”

“im in my head    cuz its a head 2 b in.”

“ the religion gives the art a reason”

yu could make me say sum i aint say

dont mean i said it tho …

“thing is i wanna love i dont wanna hate

  but i do not play   now the fuck did yu say?”

“ comb brush pick,   with curl hair stripes”

“ i can only see the context of my future “

“ if i want a cut exactly like it,  id rather upcyler”

familiar first   family first

“ 2 much struggle 2 much strife

fuck these hoes i needa wife “

“since space is given, space is taken”

“ gravity is the cost of existence”

“yu’re in my heaven. “     w/    [         ]    ;)

“i let my body

do its math. “

WELCOM3 2 HEAV3N     :    6/9/2023

[    \/\/Ξ/_C0/\/\3   2   /-/ΞΑ\/3/\/   ]

1  :  THE LONG WAY (long ride thru sektor) ✔️


 “just wake up inna mornin    gettn paid”  

  “just wake up in the mornin get the   pay-per

   just wake up in the mornin get the pay       wait

   just wake up in the morning get the dough     “

from rush hour

fuck im apathetic i dont give a fuck-im apathetic

why am i so lowvibee

imma needa  reUPPP

baby give me slowridee

give me sunday speedstaaa

baby give me those eyes

3  :  [ SONG 3] ✔️

4  :  4D FLIPSID3 ( from nap)

   “theres anotherdimension 2 it  (funk)

      theres another dimension2it  bayyyby”

         “ i jus bought da maansion  

                  imma throw a fuuunction ”

5  :  every wave crashes

 thing is    i wanna love

i dont wanna hate

 but i do not play  

now the fuck did yu say?

dont ride the wave

if yu can’t handle it

everry wave crashes

so dive in that shit

get 2 the bottom

the problem is missd

but fight 2 the top

& the problem dismissd

cant fight thru the wave

yu gon drown in the shit

yu will not b missed

erosion sinks ships

don’t matter the level

the broke

or the rich

the rip tide gon hit

so layer the bricks

build it like mountain

dont build it like sticks

1 gon fall over & 1 gon exist

1 gon last lifetimes   the other aint shit

theres 1 for the moment & one for the grip

hold on 2 it anyways    thats all yu get

the wave once it crashes      it rise up again

learn from what fell off       and build 1 to 10

skippn  a  step      hav yu building again

most niggas  they wanna build high in the end

but never think when

is that wave gon descend

the highs got some lows

but the lows wake up men

the men from the lows       awake til the end

once a man knows      he cannot sink again

but if he cant rise   he will sink in the end

find yu a woman whose voice can amend

she talks 2 yu soft but she writes things in pen

she got the whole castle dreamt up in her head

she tells yu about it    so yu stay ahead

she tells yu about it   she stitches with thread

she tells yu about it    yu see what she said

she tells yu about it   now the wave aint a threat

the king and the queen    see the wave as a step

6  :  partyyy babyyy

i b gone from dog..

                        2 hound..

    “ somebody brought a partyy!!! “  (clip)


im innis bitch gettit started

7  : “ SEV3N LAYER go wildd”


       thats why i cant fuck with these niggas

they posters

       they could shoot out a tweet

       tellem pull up

they ghosters

                         the gun out da holster

 no     casper      

                        these niggas is goin 2 hell

 demon jail    

   no bail

ding the      

fuckn bell

boxing gloves

and grill

did it           for tha thrill

gun is out the holster

niggas they some ghosters

never pull up

tweet like losers

stay a lame       a poster




8  :    FIGUR3 8ALL


“stop on yo shop “

dont want beef wit me

dont want beef wit me

yu dont want beef wit me  

“ if i got opps

ion kno em

so pray 4 them niggas “

got out my feelings

payd for surveillance

dey know what yu sayn

“yal niggas is failing

my niggas prevailing “

stay floating     im sailing

exhale    and     inhaling

cling      2 da railing

all my ventures   they scaling

im on my way    2  da dealing

“i dont even kno

                             sniff it like it’s snow “

direct deposit      2 my wallets

      i got  streams      tributaries  in my pockets



9   :   DEAD3MONS

           xx “  all my demons are dead…  all my demons are deadd….  all my demons are dead…..”

bullet thru the head

               thru the head

                               thru the dome

niggas      fell like rome

guess heaven       not they home…

guess hell           is where they roam

i dont care   found my way home

im a legend          build a tomb

wore a crown str8   out da womb

talkn shit       roto  zoom zoom

members only       get tha tunes

members only      in my room

members only      forward move

members phony  gettn goonz  onnem

members holy    hymn in twos

remember all he hears        is yu

be careful    who  yu           talkn 2

10  :  INSTANCE.

“yu seem kinda blue wait i kno yu” (clip)

sometimes i burn

massagHER  in the showHER

they love talkn bout the nazis..

but yal the nazis

like how tf they not see..

all the hypocrisy

its rlly time 2 talk about    the good days

im rlly bouta talk about     the good days

11  :  “ of god”

hi fine young woman

how do yu do?

may i turn on a beat

and see how yu groove?

wowza jee whiz  what them ankles do

oh no wait a minute  yur skirt is see thru..

y-yur shirt is.. && y-yur wearing p-perfume??

what would god say  about this nonsense yu do?

oh lord wait why  

oh dont touch me there i..

now turn around.

 and then ill …  in yur eye

and ill.. with yur thigh…  

then put yur..  up high

maybe … gimme five

lick the … till it cries …

wait let’s  do a prayer dont wanna anger the lord

jesus make sure  

our actions stay pure

now lovely young lady put my… in yur tonsils

read me scripture while yur at it

pick yur favourite apostle

what would jesus do?  

let me ask  gods favourite son..

jesus can yu help me..

    i’ve gotta make her cum.

2 church..   oh lord what ever will i do

young lady yuve made a mess

on my front row pew

repent repent repent  for yur sins

if yu do that again   ill hav yu sing hymns

wait.  waitwait.   yu devilish young woman

we’re supposed 2 b of god

i can’t…      on yur bosom

now i got her screaming  lord have mercy

the rod of god in her … has her thirsty

here hav some blood of our chist lord almighty

dont spill it or else      yu’ll b seen as untidy

lovely young lady i’ve fetchd yu a dress

please cover up less

i mean more

i mean less

i mean come here

we got 30 minutes no stress

 whats a new mess?

    forgiveness is blessd…


we’re of god..

—- —- —- —- —- —- —- —- —- —- —- —-


i could wear walmart thread   make it look chic

ion do hookups    i only fuck freaks

bullet thru the sheet

tied her hands & feet

she gonna eat my skeet

she aint no vegan she eat meat

but had her veggie 4 a week  

(i fuckd her brains out)

on the dick she take a seat

she wanna kiss   say brush yo teeth

she give me hiss   then kiss my cheek

she give me bliss      okay kiss me

she give me kiss       and ride swiftly

she slow her hips      she get risky

we dont want kids       right?  

she said miss me    

then cross her legs      im like bitch please

she speed it up          im like stop playn

she said miss me       & im tryna breathe

she stop her tease     and let me leave

its just in time       i need reprieve      

i bust a nut        all on her teeth

she smile at me    and said kiss please

i fuck her so she scream-in

make her swallow semen

got dat pussy seasick

choke her she ain’t breathin

then i put it deep in

hands off let her breathe in

kiss her    stroke stay even

she love it when i creep in

she kiss me like she eatin

she bite my lip its bleedin

she suck my blood im leakin






                 yu never leavin.


when tha wildgorlsss     come out..

“im mobbin      like a penguin

waddle pockets       aint thin

slide if niggas           hatin

night club        where im hangin

smoky clouds     its dank


im drippin     make it rain


she   hit on me  like training

 backwuuds  got  us laying

speakers knockin     bangin

lets dance      until divine timing“

 14  :  “ the wave”

“kk ill yur egoo

he here      wego “

stack dem racks up

                          dat shit tetris

broke up opp block

                            taken care of

wear a crop top

                             global warming

hot as shit out

                               global warming

from outta no where

                    wheres the warning ?

stackn bread up

                              like its tetris

pull up      

                     inna metris

hat off

                   cuz we lifted

hot outside

                       but we chillin

we the wave

                            free      penicillin

why dey say

                           dat ima villain

lil wild & im livin but

                   it rlly take a village

makin stacks

             im playn tetris

pull up

                          inna metris

price up

                                iss expensive

touch it

                                   then its precious

like my pockets

                                       they expansive

pay out big doe

                                    niggas stressin

pay yo water bill

                                im drippin

all this ice

                      no climate change

glaciers so froze

                              and it rains


new york venice

                           is the same

its titanic

                   iceberg slain

now its sunken

                    in the drain

learn 2 ride

              the fuckn wave

i am the ufo.

15  :  yet every wave crests

bitch..       im appreciatin..

every thing i touch  that shit    appreciatin

breath of freash air on my yacht

couldn’t giv a fuck about a thot          what

i dont give a fuck about yur thoughts   what

yo opinion   doesn’t  matter      it does not   what

on a wave wave       at  the top           what?

maxd the volume       up    put it uP             who?

lemme make dis shit clear.

im fly but no lear.

jet lag i need caffeine im redeye but here.


16  :  partyy in HEAV3N

show runner

function starter

ignition coil

im party fuel      (party fuel           im party fuel)



      “ belief     DID work.”

   g-good grief i  DID work.”

       g-good grief god     DID work.”

          b-b-belief     god     DID work.”

          “  i want allll  my pentaclesssss  

             allll the pentacles

               allllllll the pentaclesssss”

18  :  W3 AR3. [ indicologne ] ✔️

19  :  ALIV3  “im alive “~ infrared elephants clip


20  :  “ things repeat.”

“ its a cubeular object

its like a trianglicube  “

“lightning fly a kite im zeus

no benny franklin strike a cube  “

27 D extra super hyper space

cube the triangle and differentiate

integrate                           interstate

no traffic tho                i cant relate

cubic volume      up  hella late

hella high             appreciate

the blessd up lifestyle  ive had of late

never lack              never hate

only love                   never lose

hyper cube             pi r cubed

in tha stu              speakers blew

who       would       knew

           get    some    new

got ten to da mega trillion  value  points

spendn  time          like value points

4D    livn  all           value points

5G 60P               data points

4K    vizion      who has a point

8K     television            in my joint

netflix chillin       no stock value point

stay on top     then i had her join

eat the coochie        i insert a coin

credit card approved     so move

she wanna prove              she mine

her brain insane    like i was    at that point

i felt my  body        remove from my mind

she suck my dick   like she ran outta time

then make it slick    by goin over time

n o  lie    i told her     yu gon live tonight

she slid up on the dick   and gave it a bite

i flinched she spit me out     lost her appetite

but got it back            and jumped on me

held me tight

she whispered in my ear    “im glad yur alive “

i said thanks for killing me        i  feel so alive

suckd my soul       she said want it back?  

i said aight.

damn i love her            she is the wildest type

she told me kiss or    pray ya lil soul goodbye

i said   damn why yu doin this     ev e ry    time

she stared at me       i lookd right into  her eyes

so beautiful and gorgeous       im glad that shes mine

sigh i kissd her lips       & she soften her wine

fingers grab my hair    and softly inter twine

she enters     into  my           inner mind  

she tell me thing          and  take her time

her eyes are open      she tastes like wine

i let her lean me back        im fine

i let her scratch my back im flying

in the hyper extra mega giga alpine

bumpn tune on the cube in the south line

3 leg compass    tel me         im in line  im fine

fall asleep    she lay on me     in divine time

21  :  my sunflower..

lemme put my fingers thru yur curly curls

my girly girl

i love the way yur curly curls curl

my baby girly girl

i wanna  

22   :   “ yu’re in my heaven“

_____         _____          _____         _____

“ time trap”

“  gotta play all da versions”

“ eat my dna bitch “

yur lovers can bring yu back from any gravity.

“ what opps?”

“  awareness is inherent truth    it is the fundamental of reality.   the man is aware of himself and his own nature just as the atom is aware of its own nature such that it knows its response intrinsically.

the freedom of will is the limit of the evolution of awareness.

god is    unaware of its

awareness that it is unaware

god is     aware of its

unawareness that it is aware

god knows that it

doesn’t know that it knows

god doesn’t know that it

knows that it doesn’t know

god loves that it hates that it loves

god hates that it loves that it hates“  

“ three unaligned points is where exclusion is born

two points define alignment

one point defines existence

nothing is everything”

“ there is no more real than unreal

  there is no more unreal than real”

“the nonexistent defines the borders of existence which itself defines the nature of nonexistence “

“ god is capable of all    

   god is capable of none

the devil is capable of pull    

the sun is capable of push

the devil is gravity

the sun   is levity”

“a particle’s existence repels space”

“a particle needs an opposite force to its natural repulsion of space due to it’s existence.  that is gravity.”

“things which exist are attractive to things that exist and repel that which is nonexistent

things which are nonexistent are attractive to things that are nonexistent and repel that which exists. “

“existence itself is a state of being which is THE state of being.”

“ quantum gravity isn’t quantifiable because the state of spacial existence is uncertain.

once the spatial existence of a particle becomes certain, gravity becomes.”

“ it is the repulsion of the existent from the nonexistent which expands our universe”

“ are yu aware where yur unaware?

unfortunately no.”

“ the first person 2 do sum shit aint know they was doin sum shit..”

“what is    yur art?”

“ the bigger the computer father

the more it may compute.”

“ i feel the want    2 b necessary

   in a way that fulfills my spirit”

“ innovation’s father is access

   the mother is desire”


“  @ the end even i told  yu 2 kill me”

“ we hav alot boosters, so we gonna go big fast”

“ the trolly problem can b solved in that edge case where the switch of the track is done precisely when the two trucks or two axles of the trolley are able to b put along different trajectories thus derailing the system and saving all.”

well possibly except those on the trolley

the trolly problem can b solved by multi rail train drifting.

the solution to the trolly problem is divine timing.

“ everything has its own light.. it can shine thru”

gotta show show yu this new shit  crazyyy yo

its 3D    like yo

but wait wait   i gotta  show yu this new NEW  shitt bro

ITS 4D.. like bro yo

“comprehending the equal opposite subconsciously “

yur usable energy is divisible

kinda bold     calln me lovely

sac a dos  kinda hevavy wit  bubbly

yu gotta b useful 2 yur community before yu can b useful 2 the world.

gotta get passionate 2 give a good performance.

“ yu can get a better grap of a shape by observing what it effects”

“ a particle is a finite section of the universe

a wave is the span of the entire universe. “

“ the depths of the heavens “

“in order 2 know how 2 break a cycle

yu must 1st learn how 2 observe 1”

observing  the green dining district  to the red blue & yellow new residential   from the vantage of the 14th floor in a library lounge party. thru the blinds.

i trusted the dude with the velvet griptape

it was never about

“ how i wanted to show up 2 the world.. “

it was always about how the world views me.

gave her the pearls i clutchd 4 valentines day.

paint like yu hav time

stitch.   like yu hav time

“ art is a calculation

using the human computer.”

lemme put my fingers thru yur curly curls

my girly girl

i love the way yur curly curls curl

my baby girly girl

i wanna

“   because there is so much 2 know

refrain from thinking yu know”

“ uhh i make 3D music

wait my bad

 uh  4D music apparently..”

relativity is VERY fundamental

entering their space

means they entered yurs

achieving their consciousness

means they’ve achieved yurs

sympathising to their perspective

means they sympathise with yurs

going “to” means yuve accessed “with “

       future                                             present

      potential                                     synchronicity

digital art cube

the “ dont question me mindset”  def outta style..

5 usable faces of screens

the US rn is literally off the rails…

oh   thats how yu 3D            

learn how 2  perform a spiral pi fibonacci

i make experiences.

“ dreams are realms of options.”

your only true prophet is yur god

are tu throwng an experience    or a party

evry body got dey own world bro.

what does the brain come up with on music?

archetypes like statues break easily

   did yu notice a fracture?


did it break?

whats the the matterial

what archetype do yu paint yurself 2 b ego?

where are yu placed in life’s painting?

                                   god’s painting.

          && what are yu doing?

what are others painting for yu?

how well can yu describe it?

               or what it contains?

dreams  .:

a noise of decisions


an    outlet of future   from past

   ( a vision)

is there something     i’m doing wrong?

on average      what is the story?

am i annoying?

is my vibe out there?

well i dont know          so im good 4it

from  the uncertainty  the options  are  shifting.

every   day is “ the job”   ( mah nigga)

welliguess im famous then

because errbody seem 2 know

“ way more”  about me                   than me..

a story is jus when yu remix yurself over &over again.

dont become obsessed about the   forms



  context   matters.

as yu remix yurself   what stays the same?

what was lost?

once yur free     it’s so limiting.

modern society is so disconnected from the foundation process.

its the reverse of the reverse

but its not forwards.

uhh i think we took a wrong turn.  

hol on lemme check the gps

sit in a calm environment..

preferably with friends.

close yur eyes open them when yur each told 2

1st one convince others.

put the puzzle together.

play the pregame.

sorry but this audionovel is graphic

“  for every lead there must b a follow.”

‘when the kite strings fall off’



hurd NO3N nem pregamin

in            the superstructure


                                                   the what?

the superstructure


the superstructure..  pregame.

                                                        i’ll pass


wait..  hang on.

there will b



(activity )

taking place

in the superstructure.

                                            is the superstructure?


                                            yes the superstructure?

the superstructure.

                                       the superstructure



[ 2heaven.. welcom3  ]    

( 3/2/24 drop pregame)

yur lookin even better with the #dress off

maybe livin in yur trance is where im best off

spacetime flies when yur having fun

&& or feeling android sex from orbit.

“  when yu hear the echo

  before yu hear the voice.”

STARTs with   MISS MAFIA shooting NEON

then H3RSELF


acceleration  when NEON and MISS MAFIA watch the spaceships pass on the way FALLING 2 the superstructure


the red girl and miss mafia wave a red flag

like racecar startline girls WHILE NEON IS IN TRANCE

LOVE 2 HATE from addiction


ANDROID M finds out who MISS MAFIA is  Uh oh




SATURN NO3N on the tv approaching the superstructure pointing up with divine timing on his wrist.

MERCURY NEON TINTED ORANGE POINTING 2 tv with velocity on his wrist



party on off grid in ballroom   for woah now












if the core of the vizion is solid  resolution stops mattering

“ like bitch shut up.”  - the song

throw popcorn

pride in a country’s philosophy  -  patriotism

“  scam news “

me at the end of my timeline coming back to meet myself now

a nuanced expression of the gradient of human experience     - art.

“ there must b two worlds whose contents are completely opposite yet continuous within themselves for existence 2 occur”

“ surface level religion is most people’s only philosophy.”

“ the ideal perfect form is NOT beautiful.

it is the closest approximation of the ideal form which determines its beauty. “

“symmetry is perfect but slight asymmetry is beautiful.”

“the human cannot observe absolute perfection and thus it is deemed approximately congruent to imperfection.   unacceptable and observably non-desirable “

the nap on the approach  2 the superstructure

“ take a nap.”

“space travel takes..      a whilee     “

“ ya look tired..”

“  she walks over & cuddles him :)”

“ the universe is an infinite sum with a finite value.”

“ wait how do we even know whats an atom away?     we dont huh?”

“big data wit dat macro-consciousness”

kites have a significance..

juss put it on loop niggah..

the point is….

6 is the realm of exclusion in 5 dimensions

6 infinite solid space filling volumes on simplest space-density

5 is the realm of exclusion in 4 dimensions

5 forms on simplest infinite solid space filling volume

4 is the realm of exclusion in 3 dimensions

4 panels on simplest form

3 is the realm of exclusion in 2 dimensions

3 sides on simplest panel

2 is the realm of exclusion in 1 dimension

2 bounds on simplest side

1 is the realm of exclusion in 0 dimensions

1 point in existence

0 cannot [include / exclude]

“  plurality is infinity “

the higher dimension

 is composed of

a new occurrence

4D exclusion   one space is now different than another space.

i am 4D excluded from the bed   i am not the space of the bed.

“2 keep it slow here

its gotta go hella fast out there. “


producer class

ant  producer class

fly  consumer class

giving the fly the choice is the nature of life

dont visit the structures.  

if yure not ready 2 visit the structures..

when we encounter a discontinuous object

we dont kno wtf2 do..      “

“ 4D exclusion is the reckoning of a self similar infinite duplication of space filling volumes.”

a point in 4D is composed of

[x,y,z,q]     (x,y,z)  the set of 3D space

q     the 4th Dimension

        (time, space, rotation, scale.. etc)

the 4th dimension cannot b spacial meaning it cannot b composed of space. because space is fundamentally a three dimensional concept

“ 4D is how spaces link.”

_________ _________ _________ _________

WHAT      I WANT       :





 _________ _________ _________ _________

jus take a nap rq  n wake up whenever

“  why draw the mundane?”

“      spinn da whole shit  :

& da whole shit shall spin. “

did yu dream last night?

_baby i     liike yuuu.

2D simplest composition is 3 1D bound lines

3D simplest composition is 4 2D bound panels

4D simplest composition is 5 3D bound forms

yu live a whole nother life      in yur dreams..

is it  obsession?         i dont know..

i just know the wonderful interplay of energies in my mind is just            the most delightful story.  “

a white girll??white

we was just hangn wit friends outside school

think flower was there

the rest leave me, her, & flower talk

i let them come thru 2 my house

we all hang & then gotta get 2 class

flower leaves room & she cuddles up on me because we need an app 2 know when classes start & im downloading it. i allow it & wrap my arm around her.

then flower comes back she pushes me away

we chat then flower leaves for her class

we cuddle & play with each other more.

while we joke there’s a knock at my door

A is there with a half empty box of sodas & said my wonder... wanted her 2 give them 2 me.

i say thanks she leaves & i go 2 put them in my fridge & the white girl sees my energy drinks & almost takes 1 before she says she shouldn’t & puts it back.

we go together to the train & on the way i tease her about pushing me away earlier. she says she doesn’t wanna hear it from her friends.

on the train we sit together towards the back & joke & sorta cuddle

we get up & come back a few times & the last time we get back all of her friends including flower are sitting around we were & see us together

we sit & flower walks past & teases me giving me the side eye i side eye back

i help her download the classes app.

her friend grins at her & some white dude who is her other friend looks pressd at me.                     “

4D  is how infinity works.

“ why do we draw whats wrong most naturally ?

                            why do we improve our pen?    “

“its all just a buncha things

     rotating the right way.”

if i wanted something realistic id take a picture.

“this is what composes a cube up until the point it doesn’t”

“  theres only structure where yu think there is..”

“ give the neons of it      outline on black”

we are abstractions of the scaling of the earth

“ an instance keeping in mind past & future is present. “

[  the bridges.    “  )| )/ \(  “  ]

from simplest 3D     (a tetrahedron)

2 simplest   4D   ( “possibly scaled tetrahedron”

                     ( “possibly partitioned tetrahedron “)

one must add a point & 4 more lines

from simplest 2D   (a triangle)  

2 simplest 3D    (a tetrahedron)

one must add a point & 3 more lines  “


             .         .

        .                  .

    .                          .

.   _    _    _    _    _   .

               into   :



             .    |    .

        .         |         .

    .           . • .          .

.   _—“  _ __ _  ”—_   .      

from simplest 1D          (   a line )

2  simplest 2D              ( a triangle )

one must add a point & 2 more lines

•——————————————— •

    into     :


                    .         .

                .                  .

            .                           .

        .                                   .

    .                                            .

•— — — — — — — — — — — —•



partitioned tetrahedron

a tetrahedron partitioned by four tetrahedrons whose bases are each of the faces of the


consists of 5 points  

                     10 lines [ + 4 lines from prev]

4 tetra corners + 1 center point


                       5  forms  

4 inner tetrahedrons  + 1 frame tetrahedron

“ bubbling “

access 2 infinite information is useless

without knowing how 2 look for it

“  what the planet has been computing for 14 billion+ years        is something 2 revere ”

yu individually gotta do better

so us statistically can do better

the superstructure experiment reinforces the fact of nature.  

that there are aspects of this universe

                                 which are imaginary.

there are aspects of this universe

which do not exist

the day before   :

 im on the bus 2 a show with monaco

monaco hugs me goodbye & walks to the side into the back room to set herself up

i get into the theatre & my qr code was 2 blurry on my ticket so they wouldn’t let me in even tho they gave me the ticket.

i get mad and storm out of the theatre & walk around until the show is over.

i think 2 myself damn i shoulda just walked back with her they wouldn’t hav said shit

 lesson learned.

the next day  :

me     n      her..           drive 2 school together

shes a senior im a freshman but i walk her all the way down campus to her building & we chat & tease each other along the way.

i put on my ambient for the room to hear and they are enamoured while she shows me around & tells me about her classes.

when i hav 2 go to class i pick up two pink poker chips and say when we meet after school lets give each other these.                                           “

the dream after   :

i had 2 break out of a house helping my wonder... and another person get information about the woman and her family in the house.

i ran from room to room then they came home & i just barely escape by locking the door & jumping from the window

the dream after   :

im cleaning my “car”

re painting the window shield

throwing out the garbage from the inside while i wait for someone.                                                   “

airplane flying into a cloud

“ what is the opposite of war?

rest..                                       “

peace      is rest…

having shared memories is a more powerful bond than one may think.    

extremely impactful

treating scales of infinity

like storm clouds of information

              where   density matters

god is both the limitation

&& the limit break

yu relate so much

2 the ppl yu hate.

“ i just bought    da maaansion

      imma   throw a fuuuuunction “

 from the vantage point of  

        YU being infinity.        “

blame and punishment is far far easier

than forgiveness & acceptance

each has its place..

don’t appraise the caricature

as if it were of the value of the original itself. ”

(mercedes benz   fashion week.)

knowledge is NOT experience

experience is NOT knowledge

spacerace taught  me android girls can love too..

“ T.H.E.Y incorporated  is the opps”

terrible horrible egregious Y incorporated

working at restaurant house adjacent 2 another restaurant & the other restaurant needed york leaf?    i asked my co worker she said in the closet to the right   and it wasnt in there so i went exploring and couldn’t find it and i was trying to get back to ask my coworkers but i felt as if my body was heavy and i couldn’t get up or gain full consciousness

then i appear in the          or just some office building but i see my          there they ask me to take a table upstairs into the room & so i get it into the elevator and get to the room but in the room theres two kids watching tv with the instructor working on the project. i say hi & begin to move the table into the room.                                                                “

i aint frontin

yu take me as i am ,

or yu get me if yu can..

me + pure mercy  & some guy are trying to escape a zombie island

we get to shore but the guy was 2 slow & got bit by zombies so we couldn’t let him on the boat

we sail and sail & we enter this strange cave place

its a camera room for the survivors

[her..] is there laying on the couch

[Man] is there staring at the cameras

[host] is there sitting on the couch

another girl is there thinking about going back to the island

we all talk and we eventually start to try and redecorate the room until we are released

we make plans & start to paint on beams with cake frosting                                                       “

another white girl?

i drive us to school & park in the far lot

we walk into school im only carrying my big speaker

we in school chatting about a computer graphics software

im teaching her how 2 use it during breakfast time

we sit and talk and flirt

another person next to me needs help so i help them

some dude pops in trying to sell us a beer supplier our school could use but im busy looking at my 3D car models

some underclassmen act strange towards me and me & girl joke about the younger generation

an underclassmen girl comes up 2 me & tells me im her fav person ever

me & white girl start to eat breakfast & she wraps her hand around me & i do the same.

we gotta leave for class but the only thing i brought into school was my big speaker so i hav2 put it back in my car to get my books and lunch

on the way some ppl say hi 2 me & on my way out the door an old friend N asks me what im up 2 & if im still engineering bc my music was crazy good

i said im hedging my bets

i get 2 my car & open the passenger door then the trunk i put the speaker in the trunk & get my lunch & close the doors forgetting my books.

halfway to the entrance i realised i forgot my books & walk back but my wonder’s car is parked next to mine & she tells me i left something in the trunk.

i open the trunk get my books and a bag with some gum in it and close it.

my wonder... tells me to take this new job opportunity seriously because it’ll pay more than expected

im feeling content as i walk back into the school with everything i need for whichever classes i hav that day.


should black people bear the responsibility of

“ the community”

brownskin girl & flower standing watch at my window talking about how men & women do art differently

i try 2 get up and the brownskin girl strokes my arm and tells me to fall back asleep & that they can keep watch & protect me just as well as i did them.

i follow her instructions but i begin to want to get up and go downstairs.   the two girls protest me getting up but follow me downstairs & they go outside

my wonder... & some1 else is in the kitchen are observing my art over a candle  

pure mercy  is there and gasps when she sees the print begin to glow with the lines i placed on the page

flower & the brownskin girl come back inside and as they walk back to my room flower exclaims

“god i love male art”                                      “

“the master’s work speaks

in the way yu can’t “

lightskin girl with shoulder length curls in a red tattered hoodie and blue jeans

i met her.. outside her store she runs with her dad & sister

we walk around town & talk about things

she brings me 2 her.. apartment which is above her.. store & after we chat with her.. dad in the living room he goes away & she takes me to her.. room.

her.. child sister is playing with a tablet in there and she takes her to her room.  

We leave 2 b alone in her.. room we deeply talk and then begin 2 sexually play.                  “

seek the actions yu can take

in order 2 make it easier

for both yu & those in need.

cool side character      the main character.

a dream is no different than a memory.

“under all these clothes

       can yu see what im wearing?”

each girl braids.

she unwinds..

church like a free party

                  evry sunday.

[      GLORIA.      ]  👗

evry1 following the same rules

in different ways

orchard beach          ORCHARD BEACH

HUNTER ISLAND      hunter          island

finding thrill in the hate yu inspire


we dont got wifi     in 5D.


MISTER     the SUN.

the LOV3 BOMBER.. (capt. of the solar express)


SATURN   $$  DEMONpen  


miss mafia     +   NOEN  

raphtalia.    +   EYEDER

me & [her.. ] looking for a new head for her attacker who i accidentally knocked out.

we walk around the mall looking for the human parts store

we find sauna with friends willing to hide the knocked out man

we think we’re under the parts store so she tries to climb into the ceiling to no avail

i offer to carry her but drop her slightly and assuage her slightly bloody nose with my finger

we walk up to the store trying 2 figure out the man’s ethnicity.

big giant bee named  B

lickin her cathode.

how AI improved the art world

many things un-taught    remain most valuable

most things taught                  are valuable

wearable dj controller  fit.

afternoon the cat   in barbelle .

THE BELT.    O   O

“    if it doesn’t exist

why can we think about it “

whats a good day like?


dimensional infinity is possible

what is the degree of impossibility

in which we live?

yu rlly do find a whole galaxy

in the music             “

assuming the worst

yu cannot take advantage of

 what is provided at best           “

caughht me playn subway surfers fo 10 days bro

i just plugged chatGPT

 into my new  ~AI~ girlfriend..





what result did yu expect from this noncommittal societal programming ?

labels  huh?

make cutouts

animate cutouts

defining the word            « nigga «

is like defining the word « woke »

an infinite volume is a hypersphere  (4D sphere)

the boundary at infinity

its volume approaching its boundary.

a dimension is defined by an angle

dimension is defined by a prime.


i pledge of allegiance

2 the flag

of  the  ..


the creator numbers      (prime)

the mutated numbers  

thats the thing  thats all it is…


not truth .

niche groups

often form alliances

all jus shapes

in space

if yu know that  yu are the master race

build thier worldview    :    [ insert group here]

bby girl jus b teleporting back & giving him shit.

like the keys

an umbrella

a cup of coffee

some new boots




1  :  RECENT NONSENSE & quick overview

androgynous tate    VIOLENT INCEL CROWD

ffwack & flimsy   PATHETIC INCEL CROWD

+ clones

rollo tomato    MGTOW CROWD

2 : the BLACK manoshpere

kevin samuels

o d j

“ this all stems from a primal misunderstanding

men using women as the first possession

women oblivious until revelation

then women begin 2 commodify men “

3 : WOMEN??? in the manosphere

black lives matter    :    what happened?

do NOT watch the flash..

we rollin.

when a 1D line reaches a point      

it may rotate into 2D

fuck em     fuckem fuckem fuckem…

my flow so lit       go retarded

gas so stink          the blunt farted

i walk in            party started

i walk out            after party

bought 10 diffrent houses

but dont even know what a home is.

non existence is stronger than existence

god is but god also isn’t.

god is everything that exists but

god also doesn’t exist

“we experience something similar to our neighbors

but so absolutely different from our aliens “

every particle in the body must agree on existence for existence to exist.

every particle in the body must agree on nonexistence for existence not to exist

sin waves emanate from 0

cos waves emanate from infinity

makin so much bread

that i cannot spend  da    bread     up

making so much    bread

that i  

me talking with  my airpod in

knowing damn well im talking to myself

3 spacial dimensions

and 1 wave dimension

the third dimension appears when

1 point is shifted off grid.

is history just an art experiment?

“as the universe expands it increases the maximum wavelength possible to exist “

call me NPC      yu cant play me

genesis :  eduardo galeano

“ some people don’t meet again.”

we so high      we in a spaceship

wait                  we in my spaceship

so we higher    than a spaceship

come on girl    b patient

chill out         we so space lit

dont stress    the destination

fuck that traffic      we invading

we gon shock em    but we ain’t raiden

give a call out        2 the penguins

dont yu worry     bout a payment

we gon fly in         no surveillance

cuz this spaceship fuckn famous

go the long way round the dark side

if we dont     we stuck on a list

but for now we in my spaceship

and for now we gettn space lit

fashionably late cuz we need a newer space fit

david lynch.    (eraserhead)

i am the change.  

the day i etched that into my soul..    

was the day i became a man.           “

“ livin life woozy from off da fumes”









“babygirl yu need a real nigga

not a field nigga    “

“ a rational world

cannot exist

without irrationality “

“ made her sign a    N D A

told da bitch after that we can play “

“ they condition yu

with the words they don’t say “

“ the gross negligence on the submarine

is just the tip of the iceberg

when it comes 2 the actions of billionaires. “

“ there is expression

there is absorption “

“       there’s power in the minority

there’s conspiracy in the minority “

[ {maybe…} from      :MONA LISA]

«  rich && black & pretty

bitch im black & pretty

rich im black im pretty

backwuud spliff stay litty

music gotme spinny

approximate symmetry «

It   is the approximation of symmetry

To.  [maybe]   m   i   s    s            MONA lisaaa

more like MONA   da lead[her..]

« when yu spin something

    it stabilises                    «  

what if the universe  is spinning!!!??

spin accelerates inward

clouds are in the lowest orbit

everything is slightly differential in time

as yu escape gravity which is space spinning ;)

a wave scales space

 infinitely proportionally

infinitely dense is the limit.

closeness defines gravity

yu learn from yur mistakes

                    & grow forward “

“  im made of god….”


 unleash it unleaded ( gun) »

“ why think of the end of the world

                                      when it can’t “

“ father  :  fuel

 son    :    engine

grandson  :    throttle   “

“ to build infinities   yu pack space

                                to                        “

“ all 5 of our eyes

were constructed

4 communication “

my rebirthday     is     sunday.

a deep understanding of perspective

                                        is paramount .

complex numbers is the nature

of the z dimension

“this is exceptional energy

                that we have….  ”

“ 3 is the nature of infinity

                        at its origin “

“ men who populate this world with useless children..

are a detriment 2 society                   “

think of the universe as a density of particles who have an inception point && an infinite scale

the function describing its movement

from point 2 scale

is its universal wave function

the interaction between wave functions is reality

when something spins

it takes more work

2 keep its particles together

non directional spin is nothing

super directional spin is gravity

the more accretion  

the more repulsive energy

between the particles within it.

with more repulsive energy

comes an equal but opposite effect

on particles outside the body

“   the fire is not 2 wreck things

                 it is 2 rectify them..   “

“ a wave is a 2D sweep”

“ it doesnt matter what its made of..

             it matters who its made by… “

binary computing

quartary computing

for strength 2 work

yu hav 2 anticipate

the correct load.    “

“ sometimes it looks like

 yuve made a bigger mess

when yure cleaning up…     “

diamond asteroid belt ..  paint speckld leather.

adding a progression / pattern

         to a progression / pattern

yields a progression / pattern     “

1234 + 1234 = 2468

1234 + 1111   = 2345

1234 + 2222 = 3456

0+1+2+3+4+…+n          = natural infinity [N]

0+1/2+1/3+1/4+… +1/n  = 1 / natural infinity [1/N]

“ we are not a universe of numbers

we are a universe of progressions   “

“ the square root of a square

is the nature of a right angle  

is the nature of even-ness  

even-ness is the nature of positivity

                                                expression     “

duality is balance

duality is fundamental

a singularity    in    and    of     itself

the   in   and   of   duality is fundamental  “

every singularity

is looking for its duality

2 create a trinity in and of itself “

from the mud

come the bricks of the castle “

a day must come

where yu do what yu say “

    take things proportionately..

there can only b subtraction

            if there was addition.    “

subtraction is the artists touch

only after yu’ve added

             can yu subtract

yu cannot subtract from nothing

just as yu cannot subtract from infinity

the second dimension

is the dimension of subtraction

fundamental balance

after the additive first dimension.

quanary computation



TRUEFALSE -> goes from true 2 false

1 to 0 over infinity

FALSETRUE -> goes from false 2 true

0 to 1 over infinity


if it tends to infinity it is false

if it tends to 0 it is also false

if it is real it is true

infinity is the realm where

addition or subtraction is impossible

yu must use higher order operations

                when dealing with infinities.   “

it just makes yu wanna cry

until all the tears are gone..  “

yu awaken 2 god

and god awakens 2 yu

but god is awake

god is also asleep

god is both.     simultaneously.

god is the only being who can do that.. “

i look towards the sun

because that is the only place i can look

                                                  and not cry. “

“memorisation is not understanding “

“  sex  is a dance..

at least it should b”

“ true democracy is necessarily anarchy. “

yu kissd me

when yu saw me ..

what does that mean?   “

who are yu??

and why?   “«

problem solving

problem prevention

& solution longevity  “

its not about all the bells n whistles

                            its about the ringing “

pick a chef

not a dish   “

if everything was symmetrical

nothing would exist                   “

how do yu expect 2 kill a dragon

with fire ?  smoke ..  &&mirrors …  “

“family  FIRST       1st        🥇 “

“  everything in balance

         is equal opposite “

“                   she’s my lovely girll

her spirit makes my heart twirll.. “

the ripple effects.

yu cant observe infinite dimensional space

for it is the medium in which we all live.

the circle for which at every point there is a ripple of circles       the ring      the ring of rings. “

the within is a contraction of the without

the without is an expansion of the within

inside the density there is observable detail

outside the density there is space 2 breathe

where is optimal ?

space or compaction?

      are both the same?  

the approach 2 infinity is completely exhausting.

either way yu approach it.

infinity and totality is crazy

take it by sections for sanity  “

the extended tangent space

 of 4d spacial density

is where we operate

the black holes emit space itself

the event horizon bleeds into hyperspace

             hyperspace bleeds into singularity “

just because underserving individuals

                                 hav taken so much

doesn’t mean yu shouldn’t give

it means yu should give more.. 2 less   “

manhattan is atlantis

port cities who made a lot of profit

                                            are atlanits

open land…    benefits?

the most popular function

is the function that sees

whether or not a thing is itself.  “

why     x y i or i j k    and not    x y z ?

z the    in out    vector dimension

we visualise the 3D

because we see thru 3D objects

infinite space exists in any dimension

the first dimension

approaches infinity itself

the second dimension

has the closeness of its lines

the third dimension

has closeness of its forms

the fourth dimension

has closeness of its densities

its just the leading theory

of the popular nigga at the time .

and they’re happy

living the life

 they’ve made 4 themselves

live yur permutation                “

theres a certain tolerance 2 where yu should let fact rule fiction

every day we   fine tune      that balance             “

how many suicidal fucks awaanna   join the army???? “

please interpret that first one more ….

don’t get caught.

b  e  w  a  r  e

“ fight for yur trusted,  

infinitely trusted

and trustworthy         ”

family   mafia.

mafia    family..

scaring mfkas n thrillin mfkas a similar thing.

                                                  is death certain?


buildings are human trees.

human is god

because god is human  ?

human tiger ?

because god is tiger ?              “

why is light the limit?

we can go faster

how about the speed of medium?

pick the largest receptacle

for the largest current sum

the difference between 0 & 0

is how fast   yu approached it .

yu cant kno yure travelling in time

if yure not sure what time it is .

what is war ?

is it a collective outrage

           or a personal one   ?

how do yu feel yur influence?     “

how does the boundary sound?

of     justinoenredeye.neoneyeder



wow he seems invested in that sign.

such a tragic story that happend..

that accident was just so incredibly preventable but the folly of man huh…

he seems so captivated. I might read the plaque as well after he leaves.

the sailors were drunk? and in port? This was more preventable than i thought.

hmm he seems to love the way the sky looks, I wonder what he’s thinking.

maybe i’ll ask him !

no  no he seems like he needs this time for himself i wouldn’t want to bother him.

well i guess there he goes.

goodbye, enjoy yur walk !


The warmth, do yu feel it?

what warmth?  im freezing

well we are made of ice.

still id rather feel the condensation flowing around in me. this coldness is-  wait..  I feel it.

yu feel it?

yes i feel it, it feels like sunrise.

it is sunrise, and what a beautiful one im feeling my particles one by one slowly shaking each other awake

yes, the moon seems to be further west than we can even see, the slow vibrations are no more the sun is upon us.  night is but a dream of yesterday’s folly.

mister the sun,   please wash upon me warmth in this morning, shine upon me with conviction.

mister the sun,  melt my internal water, allow me a morning breath!


Yes my children, experience my warmth, hold my many hands.

Clouds, I shine upon yu and I strengthen yur traversal. Please diffract my light such that the many being of this body become washd in warmth and are not burnd by my infinite and abundant expressions.

Sea, capture my warmth and store it within yur depths. Keep my children cool during my temporary absence.

Rock,  Please radiate my warmth and keep my children warm during my traversal and even long after my show is over.

Sir. yur time is upon yu,

                                          yu step in divine light.

take in my many infinite ways of expression and create beauty with it as long as yu walk this existence with us.

room 1104 for today.

the uncertainty of man

is the inequality of man  “

where yu choose to spend yur time.

is where yu choose to spend yur value. !”

how many rules does it follow?

“the experience of    paradigm shift     is age “

“the gradation…..       depends  .      ”

a circle can be formed using two points

 and a rigid beam between them of any shape.

what is formed using two points

and a softer beam.

still a circle to what degree of beam softness ?

after a certain softness the beam may slowly wrap around the origin point and pull the other point slowly towards the origin.

is that gravitational ?

singularity is nothing but singularity

duality however,   is trinity     in and of itself   “

THE SHED      in the SUMMER

MAD !!!           in the SUMMER

DIA foundation.

room 703

diffusion of light

 using planar reflective forms

times square   reflective squares

                 for monday time class

title :     time square.

nibbling conscience

the process of creation     :

inception of singularity

one  emergence

one  subject / field

external to singularity isn’t

extrapolation of the binary trinity infinity

two branches of two branches of two branches off 2 beyond

distance is created

the wave is created


world past infinity.

the everything nothing

the multitude of plural pluralities.

the absolutely non-singular

the absolute definitive end

the absolute definitive goal

whats shapes does distance create

                                      over repetition

a skirt and knee highs

turns yu from bad..

2 diabolical….               “

evrything in ny gotta b a spectacle

but what makes more of a spectacle ?

                               than nothing at all.

protest 5-6PM

linearity is binary.     •—————-•

curvature is infinite  •                              •

                                      •                         •


time wednesday room304

[ mta arts & design ]

gradated wide-track  train wheels

in possible derailment conditions the flange towards the inside of the wheel is a platform with a secondary flange which catches the wheel and holds the train on the track.

protest  :  6PM

 feb 24th

st marys church harlem

the farming of bones   (literature on haiti)

joan semmel  ( interesting artist)

women bring an indescribable beauty

 into my life

their subjugation is because

we dont wanna let them go

such a waste of energy

trying to pin them down

energy better spent giving her a flower

and hearing her words afterwords..        “

how public

 is the service actually?

socrates sculpture park

we shouldn’t ascribe invention to a singular

we should celebrate contribution

we should commemorate concept.

“ i ate a potato in a bar”  - the graphic novel

take people from poverty.

allow them the space

to beautify themselves..

poverty is when beauty is unattainable…

poverty is when necessity

is the only thinkable reality….

poverty is permanent pragmatism                      “

the universe has a skin around yur experience.

yu cant know

what’s in certain hidden environments

but yu can feel

in the fourth encompassing dimension.            “

the simple

the minimal

do yu understand ?

have yu understood?       “


is what yu’re willing2 spend

what’s the craziest thing yu ever heard?

yu can lay a lotta bricks in a day

yu can stitch a lotta stitches in a day

yu also hav 2 drink, eat,  and be human.     “


    what is     “ the art world”


i hate this country

not the people all in it tho…

bands are just a group who

found one           a harmony

                             a  wave  

                                function following points “


dean blunt

as long as ropes unravel

bangin lemon- baby father

419/ nervous freestyle         «

go to        pioneer works !

                   sculpture center

anyone who knows what voting is

                should be able to vote …  “

think black man,  think.

why is he pointing a camera

                        and not a gun?   “

maria magdalena campos-pons

kara walker


0 is implosive infinity  

1 :      the commuter  (trench, slacks, chelseas )

2 :      su chef   going to work

3 :      louie chic-tton “quiet” “”luxury”” fur hood

4 :      head dress    lovely vale of wind

5:       construction  maintenance  man

6:       lirr conductor  girl

7:        crocs nurse

8:        street wear skater supreme [ hype god]

9    :    puffer princess

10  :    white forces  tech-xecutive suit  

11  :     denim diamond

12 :      manic pixie dream forest wood nymph

13:       skirt, kneehighs, turtle neck, and attitude

14:       fur boots     body suit       i phone

15:        a boogie wit da       hoodieee

16:       futbol fernando

17 :       hardcoremopunkrockmoshfists

18 :       black and blue jeans 👖

19 :       docs dolly :)

20 :        loafers peacoat denim

21:         pajama mama

22:         crop top, boots

23:         blue sweater, red socks, brown boots :)

24:         leatherjacket, ankle skirt, stompy shoes

25 :       big cargo jeans,  bomber, bow platforms

26 :       reflector god

27 :       deadass, ny name is:   “timb “

28 :      pencil skirt     prim and proper  

29:       afro future girl .  

30:  beautiful sleeping woman, big chelseas..💋

31:        playboi opium monochrome  yeclone

32:      her..

i’ll smoke outside the rave

                  but i won’t go in

of mehar :)                                “

imagine if the other countries “invaded” the US

                  because of all the school shootings ?

or maybe because of all the catholics?

                                               the priests?

                                                    children.               “

what is reverse abstraction?

dont send me 2 adult daycare.

or do.                  whatever is contextually best for”

kevin o weary

just popped the real estate bubble

           why this thing keep doinnat?        “

the art world

tries 2 make money

off of

           the world of art.     “

the train



cost        “

public transportation

should remain public. “

     we paid for it right?




cost.       “

so yu’d rather not witness

     the army man die huh?

so why enlist him?

Rest in Power    Aaron Bushnell   “

yu need quality fuel

for quality performance..

oxygen is  meant

                   2burn  “

spooky31tch - cool films     from cassy :)

i live

for the performance “

disposable plastic ban

all plastic must be recyclable

mona lisa     :     ‘archetype ‘

my sculpture of loves

those features of absolute personal perfection

she who i paint            from embossed memory  “

[afro_futurism museum   NY ]


busby berkeley    - drugs


the amount of integration

within (or bounded by)  the smallest amount

                                                                  of time.  “


who do yu think started the aggression?

the black?


                         or       the white?


have any mis steps (repeats)occurred

                                         within the phase of it? ”

self similarity is the essence of rhythm

the main ingredient of flow

the key to life.                                             “

making two of one


making plural of singular

this is the basis of making infinity from plus 1 “

one yu have the ability of duplication

any number of instances is achievable

                     up until the limit of times 2  “

what happens in the world we cant die in?

what represents death there?


relative measure                between two forms

must have a shared basis

who are we trusting?

          with   “the button” ?    “

dont b open 2much.

dont b closed 2 much..  “

yur only limited       by the way yu were taught.

o dont want “them”     molding my projection

inconvenience is the “death” of convenience

colonists dont build very good homes…

                              let alone     “kingdoms”

public  “wash” rooms        are a fantastic idea

the worth/capital  of debt    

           is a state of uncertainty

                  not the same as certainty      or reality

bigger causeways

for bigger causes    “

how self similar are trees?

the first split is always an offshoot

the offshoot is smaller than the main causeway

it grows to maximally 50% but rarely so.

rarity follows an inverse bell curve                    

the strength of an offshoot is how kinked the trunk (main causeway) becomes

                                            as time progresses. “

baby trees are a single causeway with potential adorning causeways sprouting along its length.

the causeway split enacts adolescence (sometimes)

adulthood is the maturity of multiple      

       approximately equal causeways

why do trees  split?

surface area?  more surface area means more photosynthesis which means more energy.

a single trunk can’t energise itself adequately.

                       so more trunks need to be made.  “

what is the proportional dropoff

as the offshoots get further from source?

100%  (causeway)

50% 50% (local branch split)

some trees abandon their trunk branches.

some dont.


what is that height? at which the trunk ceases, and branch begins.

its not always the adolescent split.

sometimes branches eek out from what is interpreted to be trunk.

why are there junctures so close to each other?

the adolescent split wasn’t enough?

the tree needed more area?

trees become of layers.

a layer is made of matured tree matter.

why is bark ridged?

potential branches

collapse into eyes

collapse into ravines .

baby tree bark flakes

because it is the embodiment of

the ever warping layer

new branches have smooth layers

the layers crack in warping and aging

    and those cracks become openings

those openings can become new branches

there’s so many failed branches on the trunks of trees.

the trunks layer so heavily


stem cells can no longer

           create micro trees

trees are eyes.

the eye sees more sun

a projection grows from it

the eye stays blinded

there is no growth               “

why does a whole nother tree

               grow into the ground?


somewhat, but are there other nutrients there?

the rain water soaks into the sponge of the dirt

                   better than tryna catch the droplets

                              higher volumes to siphon from


light and water

                why?     “    

(well for laterally stationary beings at least )

water is the common denominator


water flows thru our vessels

our vessels are trees

the flow is slower on trees,

   the essence is the same “

zionism,               like socialism, like communism,

       like islamism

is an ideology       tainted by its extremists          “

separation of individual and country

separation of individual and ideology

separation of individual.  

                                           reverence for

the reverberations of

                    the individual’s population.    

                                     on the individual…    “

the tunnels should be a metro

underground infrastructure is important   “

“ cant b trustn em  

ziggy lookn ass niggas man . “

the foibles of

    past giving a fuckz.”

why is our economy

          a series of handshakes?

what’s yur connection

                 2 yur tradition

                   what’s    yur    religion??

white culture aggrandises ownership.

“whites ”        want 2 think they’re less gray

                        than they truly are

“blacks “         believe gray cant

                         make them darker.

the least we can laugh about it

                    the less serious it is.     “

as long as there is more present than binary

                                         it is always divisible    “

is security necessarily


                                                  the border?”

if yur using half the space

yur that much smaller

                           denser?             “

we first saw our reflection

                         in the water

the world is made of lightning

                                     bit by bit

no life is


in bold letters n slogans.

fuck the US armed forces

                  the    institution

2 the soldiers.                 please

fight a different type of battle    “

the faster we can observe between two points

the more density/clarity/particularity

 we can see in that instance of wave passage  

there so much present in the instance

                                  we MUST choose.

what’s 4real?

can a vibrating camera see more of

                                   “the function” ?

dont love me for me.

love me     for myself.


when nypd mobbin

yu kno iss bouta

   get reeeeal racist. “”

reeeeeeeal modern of the moma

throw a rave in a german forest

makee it mind expander-ific

call the function “overgrowth amplifier”  “

evry universe is self containing


wouldnt yu just loooveee  2 see it “

they is each other.

they is also sometimes yurself.. “

the woman   is linked with   the garden.

why is fundamentality split

   in two so puzzling pieces ?

the man   is linked with                        “

save those who’s infrastructure faild them.

      rest in power those who fall /fell to the failings of their superstructure .                      «

the transit of a subject within a field is categorised in totality somewhere

not locally.

we parse it..  here.                                 “

The consolidation density of moments

the instance of simultaneity

the superposition.                                   “

the      superstructure is .

cops is still humans man.

unless they weirdmafia

        then they bastards..        “

this is because babygirl was cute.

she said she was a queens cop.

so i was like okay im from theree.

and she had a lil nose stud

i was like okayyyy

then she told me the “2” train was active

i was like okay thanks love

she said have a nice night

i had a nice night

then i saw her a few hours later

i asked where the restroom was

she told me me upstairs.

i said okay, knowing where it was.

she sent me off.

I felt confused.

Aren’t nt all cops bastards?

she was cuteeee..

and she told me where 2 go.

she was so helpful.

she helpd me get home.

are acab?


but she’s not

she’s lovely girl :)

love her ..

and her lil nose stud.

she should b a conductor.

she should help more ppl like me.

maybe not b a cop. if she can help it.

god bless her . .

its the love yu can have

 for those

  yu’re supposed 2 loathe




jazz is poetry

instruments speak “

plus1 and its odd

+1 and its evened

the weakest link

will always bear weight.

they put so much thought into it………,….,.,

what is the product?

good design

holds form and function in equal regard

              function is the skeleton of form    “

 if yu put all yur cards on the table.

                fuck is there 2 deal with?

inception is like blowing a bubble

a new absolutely angular boundary

                      that perpendicularizes

how much can fit in the new infinite space created?    is it circular?   how circular is it?  “

reproduction is an important feature

                of the human architecture .  “

wvrything is of delineation.    “

                 of linearity.


what is “American Freedom” ?    


    Nia   -    dreams are where we store our memories

and i was like

  “    the dream is our

human simulation approximation   “             “

“curvature is the gradient between dimensions “

something is curved when it exists within

                           more than one dimension

who’s 2 say eye know it?

  that’s why GOD was invented.

evry hit

theres a rebound

    gotta absorb it           what energy is that? “

“ there’s no parallel edges on an odd shape”

in  spiration

re  spiration

spirit              “

“  octa hedron   the “triangli-cube  “

make a slot 2 change magnet

                                in the pants

what is an            “  experimental essay ”  ?

needle point

linearly accelerated rocket.

of     justinmillion